Nomination of new IBAN Board Member, Mr Carlo Mancinelli
Carlo Mancinelli, born in 1960 in Benevento, Italy, was appointed by the North Atlantic Council as Member of the International Board of Auditors for NATO (IBAN) for four years as of 1 August 2023.
He has a degree in law and is qualified to practice as a lawyer.
In December 1982, after passing a public competition, he was hired as an employee at the Italian Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.
In March 1984 he won a public competition for an official at the “Corte dei conti”, the Italian Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), where he spent his entire subsequent career up to his appointment at the IBAN.
He worked almost 19 years, first as an auditor and then as Director at the regional Audit Chamber for Trentino – Alto Adige, acting as Senior Auditor and also IT area manager. From January 2003, after winning the competition as magistrate of the Corte dei conti, he carried out the functions of Public Prosecutor in various Regional Prosecutor offices (Sicily, Trentino, Molise), until March 2017. At the same time, starting from 2010, he served in the Audit Chamber for European and International Affairs, carrying out audit activities on the management of European funds and becoming a member of various international working groups on structural funds. As part of the work of the Section, he has dedicated himself to the activity of an external auditor of international organizations, mainly within the United Nations system, actively participating in the work of the Technical Group and the Panel of external auditors of the United Nations.
Since March 2017, he has left the prosecutor’s office and has intensified his activity in the field of international audit, being the Audit Director of the teams that performed the functions of external auditor of the ITU, ICAO and WMO; the latter office, until his appointment to the IBAN.
During his service at the Corte dei conti, Carlo Mancinelli also held various important positions: from 2015 to his appointment to the IBAN, he was a member of the board of public accounting experts at the Italian Constitutional Court; he is a member of the CERN Audit Committee; since 1 January 2021 he has been a member of the College of Auditors of the former Athena financial mechanism, now the European Peace Facility. From 2016 to 2019 he was a Magistrate delegated for the audit on financial management of the public institution INRIM – Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (National Institute for the Metrologic Research).
He has taught various courses at Italian universities and at the National School of Administration and has been a speaker at numerous seminars, as well as a trainer for public officials on the subject of liability of public employees.
From June 2020 until 31 July 2023 (position left for his appointment to the IBAN) he was also the Magistrate representative for IT systems at the Corte dei conti, and responsible for the organization’s digital transition.