Admiral Bauer extended and Admiral Dragone elected as Chair of the NATO Military Committee
On 16 September 2023, the NATO Chiefs of Defence agreed to extend the mandate of the current Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer for an extra 6 months, and elect the Italian Chief of Defence, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone as his successor.
This decision was taken during the Military Committee Conference in Oslo. The NATO Chiefs of Defence cited the need for continuity of leadership in a volatile security climate and amidst the largest reinforcement of the Alliance’s collective defence since the Cold War. The decision will also allow Admiral Dragone to serve out his term as Italian Chief of Defence until November 2024.

Reacting to the election result, Admiral Bauer stated: “I am honoured and humbled by the continued trust that the Allied Chiefs of Defence have placed in me. I will do my utmost to keep unifying north, south, east, west, large and small within our Alliance. And to actively reach out to NATO’s Partners around the world. Always building on the fundamental belief that there is so much more that unites us, than what divides us. And that we are truly stronger together.”
Admiral Dragone stated: “Also on behalf of Italy, I am deeply honoured to receive this prestigious assignment which I will carry out with an unreserved commitment to the success of the Atlantic Alliance and the affirmation of its founding values, freedom and democracy. NATO will be able to offer its full support to Ukraine and the challenges that are looming on an international scale. I take this opportunity to thank Admiral Bauer for the extraordinary work he has been doing and which will inspire me.“
The Chair of the NATO Military Committee represents the consensus-based views of all NATO Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) as the principal military adviser to the Secretary General, the North Atlantic Council and other senior NATO bodies. In his capacity, he guides the Military Committee’s agenda and deliberations, listening to views and working to reconcile divergent national positions or policy differences to fashion advice that all can agree to.