NATO team in North Macedonia to help against hybrid attacks
NATO sent a senior-level delegation to North Macedonia on Tuesday (07 March 2023) to help the NATO Ally cope with the consequences of recent hybrid attacks.
Led by James Appathurai, NATO’s Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, the team of experts will assist their North Macedonia’s counterparts assess recent hybrid attacks, which included a spate of bomb threats and cyber-attacks, and discuss further NATO support.
“North Macedonia is facing a deliberate, sustained and cynical hybrid attack. But as a NATO member, it is not facing this challenge on its own, but as part of a family of democracies that stand together and support one another”, Mr Appathurai said following talks with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovačevski in Skopje on Wednesday (08 March). Mr Appathurai said he welcomed the substantial steps taken by North Macedonia’s government to defend and build resilience against hybrid attacks.
In recent months, NATO and Allies have shared information and provided technical support to North Macedonia cope with a series of hybrid attacks, and Mr Appathurai said today’s talks focussed on what more NATO could do to support North Macedonia. While in Skopje, Mr Appathurai also held talks with Defence Minister Petrovska, Interior Minister Spasovski and other senior officials.