Secretary General at Keio University: NATO-Japan partnership is growing stronger

  • 01 Feb. 2023 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 01 Feb. 2023 10:08

In a speech at Keio University in Tokyo, Japan, on Wednesday (1 February 2023), Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stressed that NATO and Japan ''may be oceans apart, but our security is closely connected''.

Visit of Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of NATO to Japan. Panel discussion at the Keio University with Prof. Dr. Yuichi Hosaya, Prof. Dr. Satoru Mori and Prof. Dr. Michito Tsuruoka.

“Among NATO’s partners, none is closer or more capable than Japan,” said Mr. Stoltenberg. “We share the same values, interests and concerns,” including supporting Ukraine and addressing the security challenges posed by authoritarian regimes. The Secretary General welcomed that the long-lasting friendship between NATO and Japan is growing stronger by the day.