Information for accredited media

NATO Foreign Ministers meeting, Riga - 30 Nov-1 Dec 2021

  • 30 Nov. 2021 - 01 Dec. 2021
  • |
  • Last updated: 29 Nov. 2021 16:31






Go to the online media program.



Download the detailed media program in PDF.


Accreditation Office

The Media Accreditation Office is located at Jēkaba iela 24, Rīga, LV-1050 (Pullman Hotel Riga).

Opening hours:

Monday 29 November                      11:00 – 19:00
Tuesday 30 November                     08:00 – 18:00
Wednesday 1 December                  06:30 – 15:00

Media passes must be collected in person from the Media Accreditation Office, upon presenting an identity document, a COVID certificate and a negative result for a rapid antigen test.

The test is mandatory for all media and organized outside the Accreditation Office by the Latvian authorities - see COVID-19 PROTOCOL.


Media Centre

Media Centre is located at the ATTA Convention Centre, Krasta iela 60, Rīga, LV-1003.

Opening hours:

Monday 29 November                      12:00 – 18:00 (for broadcasters only)
Tuesday 30 November                     08:00 – 22:00
Wednesday 1 December                  06:30 – 20:00

There will be regular shuttle transport for the accredited media between the Media Accreditation Office and the Media Centre. For more details see TRANSPORT.

When first arriving to the Media Centre, media representatives need to report at the Information Desk in order to be allocated a seat.

All media will be subject to a temperature check and security screening before entering the Media Centre. Please allocate enough time to account for security checks and random sweeps, and comply with the instructions of NATO and local security staff as they occur. Participants with any of the following symptoms will not be admitted to the event:

  1. a fever of 38° Celsius or above
  2. cough
  3. breathing difficulties
  4. sneezing
  5. sore throat
  6. loss of smell or taste



The Media Centre on site will include:

  • General working area for media, with access to Wi-Fi, internet cable and electricity.
    8 workspaces will be equipped with video feed (2 permanent, 6 on rotation basis for anyone in need);
    Working spaces cannot be booked in advance but are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
    However, when first arriving to the Media Centre, media representatives need to report at the Information Desk in order to be allocated a seat;
  • Information desk;
  • Three press briefing rooms: 1 press theatre (45 seats) and 2 smaller press briefing rooms (15-20 seats each). Two of these rooms are equipped with live capability and connected to the Host TV mater control, and equipped for hybrid engagements. Audio distribution is available in each briefing room.
  • Four positions for engagement type “media huddles” / indoor stand-up – see more details in INFORMATION FOR BROADCASTERS
  • A separate space for radio editing (4 seats) to be used on a rotational basis, as needed;
  • Catering facilities. There will be a variety of catering options available for purchase; coffee, tea and water will be provided free of charge.

The filing centre (including TV/radio editing area) and the catering facility are installed on the second floor.

The press conference rooms and stand up area are on the first (ground) floor.  



The Latvian Public Television will operate as the Host Broadcaster.

There are four indoor stand-up positions available at the ATTA Convention Centre, on the ground floor. Wifi and wired internet connections are available for use. The same positions will also be open for use by ministers for media engagements after each meeting. 

This area will be open for rotational use on a first-come-first-served basis, but only while ministers are in session (see PROGRAMME), outside the press conference timeslots. Media representatives are required to free up the area once they did their stand up.

Broadcasters who need support for live or recorded pieces to camera can book a fully equipped live position via or at the Information desk.
No outdoor stand-up positions are foreseen during the event. Media representatives are invited to use the Riga and Latvia portfolio – event-related video materials here free of charge.

A TV studio is available for one-on-one interviews. For bookings and more details please contact:

Live satellite feeds of the main media events events will be provided by NATO free of charge without encryption or downlink charges. For more details please contact

After each event, videos will be available for free download from NATO Multimedia. Media must register to the NATO Multimedia portal ahead of the event if they want to be able to download the videos.

For access with satellite vans media must contact no later than Saturday 27 November to reserve a parking space.



Access to meeting openings and the official photo will be open only for small media pools, by invitation only. For more information please contact

Access to doorsteps by ministers will be strictly limited and rotational. Priority will be given to journalists. For more details regarding access, please contact the Information Desk in the Media Centre.

When a media representative accepts a NATO pool position he/she must share immediately all information and material collected while in the pool with any accredited media that request it. The media representative in the pool will share the material at no charge and with no restriction on the use of the material for news purposes. Media representatives can only accept the pool accreditation if they have the agreement of their employer to all of the conditions on providing pool material listed above.

The main public events (including the opening remarks, doorsteps as well as the Secretary General’s press conferences), will be broadcast live in the Media Centre and on the NATO website, and made available live via satellite.

Access to Secretary General’s press conference and national press briefings is open for accredited media within the limit of the space available, while observing physical distancing.

The schedule of the national press conferences will be announced on the CCTV system in the Media Centre. National delegations can chose to restrict access to national media only.

A list of NATO and national delegations’ press officers will be available at the Information desk in the Media Centre.



The Media Centre is located in the outer city and it is not within walking distance from the Accreditation Office and the city centre.

There will be regular shuttle transport for the accredited media between the Media Accreditation Office and the Media Centre. 

30 November 

Departure times from PULLMAN to ATTA: 
from 08.00 to 14.00 every half an hour
from 15.00 to 20.00 every hour

Departure times from ATTA to PULLMAN:
from 14.00 to 20.00 every hour 
from 20.00 to 22.00 every half and hour 

1 December 

Departure times from PULLMAN to ATTA: 
from 06.00 to 20.00 every half an hour

Departure times from ATTA to PULLMAN:
from 07.00 to 20.30 every half and hour

Media representatives are strongly recommended to use the shuttle bus in order to reach and leave the Media Centre.

Media representatives arriving by car to the Accreditation Office can use parking options (for a fee) available near the Media Accreditation Office: street parking on Noliktavas iela (street) and underground parking at Jēkaba kazarmas.

No parking will be available for media at the Media Centre or in the vicinity.  Taxis will be allowed for drop off and pick up only outside the security perimeter.

From / to the airport

Media traveling from the airport to the Riga centre can take the bus #22 (direction Abrenes iela) until the bus stop Autoosta, the closest to the Old Town and the media hotels (Wellton).

If taxi services are required, we advise to choose Baltic taxi by calling +371 20008500 (taxis up to 8 seats also available, more information or Bolt taxi by downloading download Bolt App (taxis up to 6 seats also available). Please note that due to the current circumstances, waiting times might be long.

Media representatives may find attached to this document several MAPS (Download PDF) indicating the main locations.


COVID-19 PROTOCOL - please read carefully!

Access for accredited media is possible only based on COVID-19 certificates and testing

To attend the Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Riga all accredited media representatives must have:

  • a COVID-19 vaccination certificate that proves that they have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19;
  • a recovery certificate that shows that at least 11 days have passed since a positive test result (recovery certificate valid for 180 days).

The certificate needs to be presented electronically on a smart device or printed out, before entering the accreditation zone. 

All accredited media are required to take a mandatory rapid antigen test free of charge before receiving their accreditation badge, administered in a dedicate testing facility next to the Accreditation Office.
Media representatives must register no later than 15 minutes before the test at (please choose Antigen). They will receive an electronic PIN, which needs to be presented at the testing facility.

COVID-19 measures in the Media Centre

A strict COVID protocol will be applied and enforced as necessary. While on site, every person is required to wear a FPP2 mask at all times, wash or disinfect hands as often as possible and respect physical distancing.

Physical distancing should be respected at all times.

New headphones will be provided for every press conference, whereas equipment connected to the headphones will be disinfected before every press conference.

In case of positive test results

In the case of a positive rapid antigen test, it will be possible to take a free of charge PCR test (saliva test), the results being available no sooner than after 24 hours. Meanwhile, the media representative shall stay at their hotel.

Free of charge testing (PCR saliva tests) will also be available at the same facility for people with symptoms and for those in need of a test for further travel arrangements.

In the case of a positive test, self-isolation in a hotel must be observed at one’s own cost. Self-isolation (without symptoms) lasts for 10 days and it may be interrupted if the person takes a PCR test on the 7th day and the test is negative.

Repeated PCR tests can be taken at one’s own cost at COVID-19 test collection stations at Ķīpsalas iela 8 or Brīvības gatve 366, which also accept patients with symptoms. Two types of PCR tests will be available: a PCR test (a nasal and throat swab) for 37 EUR, and a PCR test (on saliva) for 25 EUR.

Media representatives are strongly encouraged to purchase a travel insurance to cover the expenses of a possible Covid-19 infection and related medical treatment (the costs of an urgent medical attention and/or emergency hospital treatment in the case of an illness).

Travelling to Latvia

Media representatives need to present an interoperable EU Digital COVID Certificate (electronically on a smart device or printed out) or an equivalent national COVID-19 certificate upon entering the territory of the Republic of Latvia.

It is possible to enter the territory of the Republic of Latvia with:

  • an interoperable EU Digital COVID Certificate (electronically on a smart device or printed out). The European Commission has adopted decisions on the equivalence of certificates issued by the following non-EU countries: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Israel, Lichtenstein, Monaco, Morocco, North Macedonia, Norway, Panama, San Marino, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican City State.
  • OR with national COVID-19 certificates of the United States, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Persons traveling from these countries have to be vaccinated against COVID-19 with a vaccine authorised by the European Medicines Agency or an equivalent regulator or recognised by the World Health Organization. However, the holders of this type of certificate will only be able to enter the territory of Latvia, but will not be able to access any indoor public spaces in Latvia apart from the meeting venue and the Media Accreditation Centre.

In addition to a COVID-19 certificate, all persons travelling to Latvia have to fill out an electronic COVID PASS found at within 48 hours before crossing the border.

Media representatives travelling to Riga for the NATO Ministers meeting need to mention in the questionnaire that they are travelling for a work-related purpose. Documents or other reliable proof confirming that purpose might be asked by the State Border Guard or the State Police.

Restrictions on entry to Latvia depend on the country the person is travelling from and on whether the person has been vaccinated, or recovered from COVID-19. For more information about traveling to Latvia see

Please note:

  • Media representatives without interoperable EU Digital COVID Certificate and without equivalent national COVID-19 certificates (Montenegro) will be able to enter the territory of Latvia, but will not be allowed to access indoor public spaces in Latvia. Apart from the meeting venue, the Media Accreditation Centre, they will be able to enter certain indoor shops, such as grocery stores (where food, hygiene products, press composes at least 70% of the assortment), pharmacies, opticians, press outlets, hygiene goods shops and fuel stations. Meals will available only for takeaway or by delivery. Attending cultural events will not be permitted. More information is available here.
  • As of 25 November, travellers vaccinated in Australia, Canada and the U.S. will be able to obtain a short-term COVID-19 certificate (valid only in the territory of Latvia), equivalent in validity to the regular COVID-19 certificate that will allow the holder to enter all indoor public spaces receive “green mode” services in Latvia. This certificate will be valid for 30 days. More information to follow.

Further information:



Please send your enquiry to the appropriate email address.

Overall Coordination
Ms. Alina Coca – NATO Media Coordinator
Tel: +32 (0)2 707 14 65

Ms. Madara Limba – Latvian Media Coordinator
Tel: +371 67016 484

Mr. Angelo Pacifico (NATO)
Tel: +32 (0)2 707 83 46

Ms. Solvita Martinsone (Latvia)
Tel: +371 67016 117

Broadcast arrangements
Mr. Bart Vandendorpe (NATO)
Tel: +32(0)2707 3578

Latvian Television
Ms. Lāsma Znotiņa
Tel: +371 26323910   

NATO  Video on demand
Tel: +32 (0)2 707 12 27

Press and Media Enquiries and Interview Requests

For issues related to the ministerial agenda

For aspects regarding Latvia as host country, including interviews with Latvian officials or +371 67016 422

Requests for interviews for the NATO Secretary General:

Requests for interviews of other delegations’ officials should be sent directly to the appropriate delegation.

  1. The result is ready in 15 minutes. The test is valid for 72 hours.