Представления союзников о безопасности, обороне и НАТО

  • 31 Mar. 2021 -
  • |
  • Last updated 07-Apr-2021 18:27

В 2019 и 2020 годах НАТО поручила провести опросы во всех 30 государствах-членах, чтобы изучить взгляды их граждан. Результаты этих опросов, опубликованные в Годовом отчете Генерального секретаря за 2019 год и в Годовом отчете Генерального секретаря за 2020 год, отражают поддержку по ключевым показателям, включая коллективную оборону, трансатлантическую связь и членство в НАТО. Этот расширенный набор данных включает дополнительные показатели об осведомленности о НАТО, поддержке оборонных расходов и поддержке международного сотрудничества.

  • About the study

    Coverage: 30 NATO Allies: general population over 18 years of age.

    Sample size: In all countries polled online a sample of at least 1,000 respondents per country was achieved. In face-to-face countries at least 500 individuals per country were interviewed. 28,517 interviews were conducted in total.

    Methodology: Online interviews, quotas applied on gender, age and region. In Montenegro, Albania and North Macedonia, interviews were conducted via telephone.
    All data has been weighted according to the latest population statistics.
    Results for the NATO total take into account population size of each country.

    Fieldwork period: 5th November – 23rd November 2020.

    Margin of error: The survey uses non-probability sampling. The indicative margin of error of +/- 3%.

    Trend data: In 2019 a survey of 28,752 adults was carried out by Populus. Interviews were conducted online, except for North Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro where a face-to-face methodology was used due to the limited penetration of online panels in these countries.

    All data is displayed in percentages unless otherwise specified. Due to rounding results will not always add up to 100%. 2019 data charted is based on surveys of 28,752 adults conducted in November 2019 by Populus in 29 NATO member countries and North Macedonia.