The Chairman of the NATO Military committee visits key NATO assets in Latvia

  • 07 Nov. 2020 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 13 Nov. 2020 12:46

The Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach travelled to Riga, Latvia on 6-7 November 2020 to meet with with the Latvian Minister of Defence Dr Artis Pabriks and the Chief of Defence Lieutenant General Leonīds Kalniņš.

6.11.2020. - Rīga, Latvija. Vizītē Latvijā ierodas NATO Militārās komitejas priekšsēdētājs ģenerālis sers Stjuarts Pīčs (Stuart Peach). 
Ģenerālis sers S. Pīčs tiekas Nacionālo bruņoto spēku komandieri ģenerālleitnantu Leonīdu Kalniņu, lai pārrunātu starptautiskās un reģionālās drošības aktuālos jautājumus. NATO Militārās komitejas priekšsēdētājs piedalās svinīgajā ziedu nolikšanas ceremonijā Rīgas Brāļu kapos.
Foto: Gatis Dieziņš (Aizsardzības ministrija)

Air Chief Marshal Peach visited the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence in Riga to learn about its contribution to a better understanding of the rapidly evolving strategic communication landscape across the Alliance. He met its Director Janis Sarts. The CoE contributes to the improved strategic communications capabilities within the Alliance and Allied nations by providing regular information environment assessments.

Following a memorial ceremony at the Riga Brethren Cemetery, Air Chief Marshal Peach thanked the Chief of Defence,  Lieutenant General Leonīds Kalniņš and the General Staff for the contributions of Latvia to the Alliance’s operations, missions and activities.

On a visit to the Allied forces stationed in Adazi, the Chairman met all the contingents, senior national representatives and thanked Allied soldiers from 11 NATO Nations for their role in deterrence, the presence and defence of the Alliance is to keep us all safe.

As the first senior NATO visitor to the newly appointed Multinational Division North (MND-N) – collocated in Adazi with the Latvian Land Forces Mechanised Infantry Brigade – Air Chief Marshal Peach met Danish Major General Flemming Mathiasen, Chief of Staff of the MND-N, Colonel Sandris Gaugers, Canadian Lieutenant Colonel Philippe Sauvé, the Commander of the eFP Battlegroup and conducted a candle ceremony at the Latvian Memorial to the Fallen in Adazi. Additionally, the Chairman met Minister of Defence and Deputy Prime Minister, Dr Artis Pabriks and commended him for setting an example through its defence investment.

Throughout the visit, Air Chief Marshal Peach highlighted the important contributions Latvia makes to NATO in investment, modernising infrastructure and commitment to operations, missions, deterrence and defence.