Deputy Secretary General at HumanAIze forum: we cannot fight tomorrow’s threats with yesterday’s tools

  • 28 Sep. 2020 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 28 Sep. 2020 16:41

On 28 September 2020, NATO’s Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană, speaking at HumanAIze, an online forum on artificial intelligence (AI) and public-private sector collaboration, said that NATO needs to keep investing in modern technology to deter possible threats in the future. These threats include the misuse and abuse of new technologies, including AI, to destabilise, and to manipulate the free and democratic way of life.

“NATO’s ability to innovate is what has guaranteed our military superiority – including our technological edge – for the last seven decades,” Mr. Geoană said.

The Deputy Secretary General stressed that NATO already has the tools, the structures and the people in place to foster innovation. NATO’s Science and Technology network is the world’s largest collaborative research forum in the field of defence and security. Mr. Geoană further highlighted NATO’s focus on the gendered impact of new technologies. He also said that to fully embrace the opportunities that the new technologies bring, NATO needs engage more with the private sector, from big tech to small start-ups, that drives technological innovation.