182nd Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence Session - NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium
Media Advisory
- English
- French
The Military Committee, NATO’s highest Military Authority, will meet in Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) Session on 14 and 15 January 2020, at NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium. Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, Chairman of the Military Committee, will preside over the sessions and will be supported by General Tod Wolters (Supreme Allied Commander Europe, SACEUR) and General André Lanata (Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, SACT).
The Allied Chiefs of Defence will meet to discuss the outcomes of the Leaders’ Meeting held in London last December. The Chiefs of Defence will provide the guidance for the development of the necessary requirements to implement the measures agreed by the Heads of State and Government. The two-day meeting will focus on NATO’s Deterrence and Defence Posture, including the Deterrence and Defence Euro-Atlantic Area Concept, the Enablement of SACEUR’s Area of Responsibility as well as NATO’s Operations, Missions and Activities. The Chiefs of Defence will also hold a special session with Partner Georgia.
The programme will start with a joint meeting between the Chiefs of Defence and the NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg who will provide the political context to frame subsequent discussions. The following session will set the strategic scene for the morning meetings as the Chiefs of Defence discuss NATO’s ongoing operational commitments, force generation and future requirements. The Chiefs of Defence will then meet, in dedicated sessions, with the Operational Partners from the Resolute Support Mission, the NATO Mission Iraq and the KFOR Mission.
The afternoon will be devoted to the Concept for the Deterrence and Defence of the Euro-Atlantic Area and the NATO Warfighting Capstone Concept. These two concepts flow from the NATO Military Strategy, which sets out NATO’s military priorities as well as its approach to current and future threats, and will enable NATO Commanders to deal with the changing security environment.
On the second day, the Chiefs of Defence will turn their attention to NATO’s Southern Flank and discuss the ongoing work strands and enhancing the cooperation with partners and institutions with common interests in the region, such as the African Union, the EU and the UN. In the next session, the Chiefs of Defence will review the different elements related the Enablement of SACEUR’s Area of Responsibility, including the Joint Forces Command Norfolk and the Joint Support and Enabling Command. In the final session with Partner Georgia, the Chiefs of Defence will receive an update on the current security situation, recent developments and discuss future cooperation.
The Military Committee meets twice a year at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, at the level of Chiefs of Defence to discuss NATO operations and missions and provide the North Atlantic Council with consensus-based military advice on how the Alliance can best meet global security challenges, and once a year they meet in an Allied member country. On a day-to-day basis, their work is carried out by permanent Military Representatives at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.
Media Opportunities
Tuesday 14 January 2020
07.45 – 08.15
Media Pool pick up in the Public Square.
08.30 – 08.40
182nd Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence Session – Opening remarks by Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.
17.00 – 17.45
Background briefing on Deterrence and Defence*:The briefing will focus on the ongoing policy and work strands to reinforce NATO’s Deterrence and Defence.
* It will be presented by military subject matter experts and will consist of a presentation followed by a “off-the-record” Q&A session.
Photos of all opening sessions will be available online at www.nato.int/ims shortly after each meeting. Photos and video of the Opening Remarks will be made available on the NATO website after the event. Broadcasters can also request the broadcast quality footage by contacting content@natomultimedia.tv.
Media representatives holding a valid 2020 NATO Media pass will have access as usual to the NATO HQ. Media representatives not in possession of a NATO Media pass and wishing to attend the media opportunities available are invited to contact the NATO IMS Public Affairs and Strategic Communications Office via email (ronaynecasimiro.lara@hq.nato.int) with a completed accreditation form no later than 12h00 on 8 January 2020.
Media passes will not be mailed to applicants; they must be collected in person upon presentation of an ID card or passport and a valid national press pass (or accreditation letter from a recognized media organization). Media representatives will be given their accreditation at the Guard House South, NATO Headquarters, Boulevard Leopold III, Brussels, Belgium.
Passes must be worn visibly at all times, and security personnel may ask to see another form of ID at any time. Media representatives are informed that security personnel will examine and may test equipment and personal effects carried onto the site and are advised to arrive with sufficient lead time to clear security checks.
Social Media
We will post the latest information and pictures from the Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence (MCCS) format on our official Twitter account: @NATO_PASCAD. Please use the hashtag #NATOCHoDs and #NATOMC when tweeting about the MCCS.
Points of contact for the Chairman of the Military Committee & General press arrangements:
Mr. Damien Elvin, Public Affairs and Strategic Communications Advisor to the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee and NATO International Military Staff
Tel: + 32 476 60 53 56
E-Mail: elvin.damien@hq.nato.int
LtCol Götz Haffke, Deputy Public Affairs and Strategic Communications Advisor
Tel: + 32 490 58 06 47
E-Mail: haffke.goetz@hq.nato.int
For more background information about the NATO Military Committee click here