Visit by His Majesty the King of Spain to NATO

  • 21 Nov. 2018 -
  • |
  • Press Release (2018) 145
  • Issued on 16 Nov. 2018
  • |
  • Last updated 26-Nov-2018 10:02

His Majesty the King of Spain will pay an official visit to NATO Headquarters on Wednesday, 21 November 2018.

Media Advisory

Programme of the visit

Arrival of Media – NATO HQ South Gate, Boulevard Leopold III, 1110 Brussels
Last possibility to arrive at Media position
NATO Headquarters. Main entrance. Arrival of His Majesty the King of Spain
Welcome Handshake by the NATO Secretary General
Very Restricted Pool (2 Official photogs + 2 agency still photogs
Wreath-laying ceremony with His Majesty the King of Spain
Open coverage for visual & print media. No press statement. Live webstream.
Meeting of the North Atlantic Council with His Majesty the King of Spain.
Coverage by pool of visual media only. (Pool cards distribution at 9h20 at media position;
No tripods allowed, no sound feed; TV lights provided; Video footage web-streamed live online, on closed-circuit tv to media work room and available in broadcast quality)

Photos and b-roll video footage will be uploaded on the NATO website after the event.


Media permanently accredited at NATO

Media representatives in possession of a new 2018 NATO media pass can access to the NATO HQ directly by tapping their badge at the turnstiles (NATO HQ Guard House South - GHS, media entrance, NATO Headquarters, Boulevard Leopold III 1110). Media representatives not in possession of a new 2018 NATO media pass can replace their old 2018 permanent badge at the GHS.

Ad-hoc accreditation (day-pass)

Media representatives not permanently accredited and wishing to attend the event are invited to request ad-hoc accreditation online here: Please find instructions on how to create a profile in Annex 1. Confirmations will not be sent.

Deadline: no later than Tuesday 20 November 2018, 15h00 (Brussels Time).

Requests entered after the deadline are considered late; they will be delayed and may be refused. Media representatives who have submitted the request for accreditation via the Internet are encouraged to bring a print-out of the request confirmation.

The usual NATO accreditation procedures shall be applicable to this meeting. They are detailed here:

Media passes will not be mailed to applicants; they must be collected in person upon presentation of an ID card or passport and a valid national press pass (or accreditation letter from a recognized media organization) at the Guard House South, main Entrance, NATO Headquarters, Boulevard Leopold III 1110 from 08:00 AM.

Passes must be worn visibly at all times, and security personnel may ask to see another form of ID at any time. Media representatives are informed that security personnel will examine and may test equipment and personal effects carried onto the site and are advised to arrive with sufficient lead time to clear security checks.


Overall Coordination
Mr. Jean-Philippe Juneau
Mr. Angelo Pacifico
(or weekend duty officer)
Telephone: +32 (0)2 707 83 46
TV & Radio arrangements on site and via satellite
Mr. Henk Dekens
Telephone: +32 (0)2 707 50 51
Mr. Serge Bosmans
Telephone: +32 (0)2 707 50 03
Mr. Eric Morel
Telephone: +32 (0)2 707 12 87
NATO Video on demand
+32 (0)2 707 12 27

Annex 1

How to create a new profile in MIT :

  • To create a new profile, please select the New user option in the home page: (Chrome or Mozilla Firefox work better with the platform)
  • Avoid using special characters (with accents, etc.) when you upload your information on your profile, and ensure that the filename of your photo also does not contain special characters
  • Note that for your address, you must insert your street name and house number in separate fields. Both fields are mandatory and cannot be left empty
  • The size of the picture you wish to upload must be less than 100 KB. Using larger pictures can stop the application from working
  • In case our site is blocked by your provider (most likely because of a firewall), it's best to use a device that uses a different channel to connect to the internet (4G or connection at home)

Existing profiles:

  • If you have previously covered an event at NATO HQ and have lost your credentials, your existing credentials can be recovered by sending an email to

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