NATO highlights role in fighting illicit trade in small arms and light weapons

  • 20 Jun. 2018 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 22 Jun. 2018 13:37

NATO participated in a UN conference in New York on Wednesday (20 June 2018), focused on fighting the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons. Ms. Eirini Lemos-Maniati, Deputy Director of NATO HQ’s Arms Control, Disarmament and WMD Non-Proliferation Centre, noted that over the years, NATO has helped destroy over 600,000 small arms and light weapons, and more than 160 million rounds of ammunition. NATO’s technical standards also serve as a basis for many international best practices in controlling small arms, light weapons and ammunition stockpiles. NATO’s Partnership for Peace Trust Fund on small arms and light weapons currently covers seven projects with a budget of over 40 million euros.