Germany, Romania and the Czech Republic deepen defence ties

  • 15 Feb. 2017 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 16 Feb. 2017 09:15

Today (15 February 2017), Defence Ministers from Germany, Romania and the Czech Republic signed arrangements to deepen defence ties. As part of this, the Czech Republic’s 4th Rapid Deployment Brigade and Romania’s 81st Mechanized Brigade will work closely with Germany’s 10 Armoured Division and Rapid Response Forces Division.

Under NATO’s Framework Nation Concept, smaller armies can integrate their capabilities into an organizational structure provided by a larger ‘framework’ nation. “With these two arrangements, the Czech Republic and Romania each agree to contribute a brigade to a German-led multinational division,” said NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment Camille Grand during the formal signing ceremony. He added that the Framework Nations Concept brings a new dimension to the way NATO approaches multinational cooperation and capability development.

The three Allies will begin their cooperation through joint training and exercises starting this year. The new initiative is part of a broader drive to expand European defence cooperation in the margins of the meeting of NATO Defence Ministers in Brussels this week.