Forest and wild fires brought under control in Israel
On Wednesday 30 November 2016, the major fires have been brought under control at this time, with help from international partners, who are at this time heading home to their respective nations.
Airtanker from Azerbaijan filling its tanks by skimming water
More than 4000 fires were reported since the beginning of the emergency.

At least 160 people were injured lightly from smoke inhalation. No deaths due to the fires were reported. Over 1800 houses across Israel were damaged. Throughout the events, between 80,000 and 100,000 people were evacuated from their homes. Nearly all have since returned, now that the fires are under control. Between 300 and 400 people are still without homes, and are under the care of family and friends or the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services.
On behalf of the Government of the State of Israel the EADRCC wishes to thank all nations that offered or provided assistance.