NATO civil preparedness experts focus on enhanced security cooperation

  • 18 Nov. 2015 - 19 Nov. 2015
  • |
  • Last updated: 17 Nov. 2015 18:02

Directors-General of NATO civil preparedness agencies will convene at NATO Headquarters on 18 and 19 November for their semi-annual meetings. They will discuss ways to improve national resilience in light of the new security environment.

On 18 November, the senior officials will meet with NATO partner countries in a panel discussion. Participants will include the Administrator of the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Mr W Craig Fugate and the Director-General of the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, and Ms Helena Lindberg, as well as other representatives from the civilian, military, and commercial sectors.

On 19 November, they will examine methods of improving civil preparedness for collective defence and how the civil sector can support Alliance security. They will also have a separate meeting with Finland and Sweden to exchange views on shared challenges and opportunities for closer cooperation.

The meetings will not be open to the public. A video of the panel discussion will be made available after the event.