NATO-Georgia Commission discusses state of partnership, welcomes Georgia’s reform progress

  • 22 Jul. 2015 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 22 Jul. 2015 11:59

Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow welcomed His Excellency David Usupashvili, Chairman of the Georgian Parliament, to NATO headquarters on Wednesday (22 July 2015) for talks on the important relationship between the Alliance and Georgia.

David Usupashvili, Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia and NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow at a meeting of the NATO-Georgia Commission

In a meeting of the NATO-Georgia Commission, Allied ambassadors welcomed good progress on the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package, which aims to help Georgia strengthen and develop its forces and defence ministry.

Allies thanked Tbilisi for its major contributions to NATO missions and operations, which have further developed Georgia’s ability to work seamlessly alongside Allied forces. Georgia is currently the second largest contributor to the Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan.

The Deputy Secretary General and Allied ambassadors commended Georgia for its considerable reforms, and encouraged the country to continue its efforts. Given recent developments on the Administrative Boundary Lines of the South Ossetia region of Georgia, Ambassador Vershbow further made clear that Allies fully support Georgia’s territorial integrity within its internationally-recognised borders.