NATO-Ukraine agreement paves the way for further technical cooperation

  • 24 Apr. 2015 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 29 Apr. 2015 16:51

On 24 April 2015, the NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency and Ukraine signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on Consultation, Command, Control and Communication (C4), which will facilitate the implementation of the NATO-Ukraine C4 Trust Fund. When ratified by the Ukrainian legislature, the agreement will also allow for the further development of technical cooperation between the NCIA and the Government of Ukraine in the future.

Specific projects under the C4 Trust Fund will be agreed in close cooperation between the Lead Nations and the Government of Ukraine.

NATO and Ukraine have long cooperated in support of Ukraine’s defence and security sector reforms.  Since April last year, NATO and Ukraine have stepped up their cooperation in the framework of the Distinctive Partnership through capability development and sustainable capacity building programmes for Ukraine.  Five Trust Funds, including the one on C4, were launched at the Wales Summit and constitute an essential part of this effort.

The NATO Communications and Information Agency is responsible for providing advanced communications and information technology to support NATO operations and missions. It operates and defends NATO networks.

For more information contact:  Michal Olejarnik, Communication Manager, NATO Communications and Information Agency (T: +32 (2) 707 8440  M: +32 475 90 70 40; E:

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