172nd Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence Session

  • 21 Jan. 2015 - 22 Jan. 2015
  • |
  • Last updated: 22 Jan. 2015 16:17

The NATO Chiefs of Defence will meet 21-22 January at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels for their first Military Committee meeting of 2015. General Knud Bartels, Chairman of the Military Committee will chair the two day meeting where the Readiness Action Plan, the Resolute Support Mission, enhancing military cooperation with Ukraine and Mediterranean Dialogue Partner Nations and the global security situation will be discussed.

General View

During the first day of meetings, the Chiefs of Defence will be briefed on the geopolitical situations in the Eastern and Southern flanks of the Alliance which will allow them to share a common perception ahead of meetings with partners. This session will be followed by discussions with the Mediterranean Dialogue Partner Nations on the regional security situation and allow for an exchange of views on the way forward for enhanced military cooperation.

That same day, the NATO Chiefs of Defence will meet in Resolute Support format to be briefed on the Mission’s status and assess and discuss its performance. Subsequently, the Allied Chiefs of Defence will focus on the Readiness Action Plan and its implementation, the ongoing Assurance measures and the interim solution for the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) in preparation for the NATO Defence Minister’s meeting the following month.

Meetings on the second day will begin with special partner Ukraine where the Chiefs of Defence will receive an overview of the security situation in and around Ukraine and evaluate the development of enhanced military to military cooperation. Ending the two day meetings will be a discussion on strategic military planning and guidance for the year ahead.

The two day meetings allow for the NATO Chiefs of Defence to provide key messages and consensus based advice to the North Atlantic Council and direction and guidance to the Strategic Commands.

Media opportunities

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

07:30 - 07:45     Media Pool pick up in the NATO Press Area

08:00 – 08:10     172nd NATO Chiefs of Defence Meeting - Opening remarks by General Knud Bartels, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee

Thursday, 22 January 2015

13:00-13:30     Joint Press conference in the Luns Theatre with General Knud Bartels, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, General Philip M. Breedlove, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR) and General Jean-Paul Paloméros, Supreme Allied Commander, Transformation (SACT)


Photos and video of all opening sessions will be available online at www.nato.int/ims shortly after each meeting. The joint press conference will be made available on the NATO website after the event, on request by broadcasters through EBU and afterwards by contacting content@natochannel.tv


Media representatives holding a valid 2014 or 2015 NATO Media pass will have access as usual to the NATO HQ. Media representatives not in possession of a 2014 or 2015 NATO Media pass and wishing to attend the media opportunities available are invited to contact the NATO IMS Public Affairs Office via email or fax  (ronaynecasimiro.lara@hq.nato.int ,fax number + 32 2 707 5713) with a completed accreditation form no later than 20 January 2015.

Media passes will not be mailed to applicants; they must be collected in person at the Media Accreditation Office upon presentation of an ID card or passport and a valid national press pass (or accreditation letter from a recognized media organization). Media representatives will be given their accreditation at the main entrance of NATO Headquarters. Passes must be worn visibly at all times, and security personnel may ask to see another form of ID at any time. Media representatives are informed that security personnel will examine and may test equipment and personal effects carried onto the site and are advised to arrive with sufficient lead time to clear security checks.


Point of contact for the Military Committee meetings:
Ms. Elizabeth Steenson
Tel: +32 2 707 5422
GSM: +32 475 757523
Email: Steenson.elizabeth@hq.nato.int

General press arrangements:
Ms. Lara Ronayne-Casimiro
Tel: +32 2 707 5423
Email: ronaynecasimiro.lara@hq.nato.int