Media advisory on Iceland Air Meet 2014
NATO will lead an air-defence flying training event for pilots and ground support personnel, including fighter controllers, in Iceland from 3-21 February 2014.
The Iceland Air Meet 2014 (IAM2014) will bring together participants from NATO member nations Norway, Iceland and the Netherlands, and from partner countries Finland and Sweden, to conduct a wide range of air defence-related flying activities.
It will take advantage of the deployment to Iceland of a Norwegian air-defence detachment on 27 January, to conduct the regular NATO peacetime preparedness mission (see This mission is conducted by NATO Allies only and is separate and distinct from IAM2014.
IAM2014 will be the first time that Finland and Sweden have deployed to Iceland. As such, it will improve deployability and interoperability, provide additional training opportunities and further strengthen Nordic defence cooperation (NORDEFCO), between both NATO members and non-members.
NATO will act as the overall coordinator for the event from its Combined Air Operations Centre (CAOC) in Uedem, Germany.
Norway will act as the sponsor nation for Finland and Sweden, and will provide a training director for IAM2014. The Finnish and Swedish assets will be placed under his operational control.
To provide media access to the event, a media day has been organised for 12 February 2014. The media day is organized by the Icelandic Coast Guard and the Icelandic Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The media day coincides with a regular meeting of Nordic Foreign Ministers in Iceland. Media are expected to have the opportunity to meet ministers at IAM2014 during the visitors’ day.
Media interested in covering the event should register their interest with Hrafnhildur Brynja Stefánsdóttir, Chief Public Affairs Officer at the Icelandic Coast Guard, via email ( or telephone (+354 545 2041).