
1000 Entries

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Secretary General outlines key lessons for NATO’s continued success after a decisive decade at the helm

Speaking at an event hosted by the German Marshall Fund on Thursday (19 September 2024), Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg shared five key lessons for NATO’s continued success following a decisive decade at the helm of NATO.
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Meet Myriam Andaloro, a NATO’s cultural expert on the Middle East and Africa

Myriam Andaloro is a Digital and Cultural Consultant at the NATO Strategic Direction-South Hub – the centre dedicated to increasing NATO’s understanding of and cooperation with partners across the Middle East and Africa. An Italian national of Lebanese descent, Myriam works to establish appropriate and respectful communication with NATO’s southern neighbours by reducing the risk for cultural misunderstandings and raising awareness about cultural sensitivities.
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NATO’s Special Representative for the Southern Neighbourhood wraps up his first official trip to Egypt

NATO’s Special Representative for the Southern Neighbourhood, Javier Colomina, travelled to the Arab Republic of Egypt on 17 and 18 September 2024 for his first visit to the region in this new capacity. He met with high level officials, including from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to take stock of NATO-Egypt relations and exchange views on regional security issues.
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NATO reiterates its full support to EU efforts in Kosovo

NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Operations, Tom Goffus, joined Mr. Stefano Tomat, Civilian Operations Commander at the European Union External Action Service, in separate meetings with the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina. The meetings took place in the margins of the EU-facilitated Dialogue hosted by the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkans issues, Mr. Miroslav Lajcak.
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NATO and the Republic of Moldova further boost defence education cooperation

Representatives from the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Moldova visited NATO Headquarters on 10 September 2024, where they met with a range of officials from NATO’s International Staff and experts in the domain of defence education.
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NATO Military Committee gathers in Prague for its annual conference

Today, 14 September 2024, NATO’s highest Military Authority meets in Prague, Czech Republic, for the annual Military Committee Conference. The meeting will discuss military strategic developments within the Alliance, in light of the decisions taken at the NATO Summit in Washington DC in July 2024.
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The NATO Chiefs of Defence met in Prague to implement Washington summit decisions

At the invitation of Lieutenant General Karel Řehka, Chief of the Czech Armed Forces, the Allied Chiefs of Defence gathered in Prague from 13 to 15 September 2024 for their annual Military Committee Conference. On the agenda was the implementation of the decisions taken at the Washington Summit in July 2024. The Chiefs of Defence discussed how NATO will bolster its deterrence and defence while at the same time ramping up its support for Ukraine.
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NATO Chiefs of Defence elect Major General Remigijus Baltrenas to be next Director General of the NATO International Military Staff

Today at the NATO Military Committee Conference in Prague, the Allied Chiefs of Defence elected Major General Remigijus Baltrenas to be the next Director of the NATO International Military Staff (DGIMS). The DGIMS is appointed by the NATO Chiefs of Defence (CHOD) to head the Alliance’s International Military Staff for a term of three years. Major General Remigijus Baltrenas will take up the position in July 2025 when Lieutenant General Janusz Adamczak tenure ends.
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Acting NATO Deputy Secretary General welcomes Montenegro’s contributions to stability in the Western Balkans

Acting NATO Deputy Secretary General Boris Ruge visited Montenegro on Friday (13 September 2024). In Podgorica he met with President Jakov Milatović, Prime Minister Milojko Spajić, Deputy Prime Minister Ervin Ibrahimović, and Defence Minister Dragan Krapović. Amb. Ruge also met with members of civil society.
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Chair of the NATO Military Committee participates in Seoul Defense Dialogue

From 11 to 12 September 2024, Chair of the NATO Military Committee Admiral Rob Bauer participated in the Seoul Defense Dialogue (SDD) in the Republic of Korea. During the opening session on “Deterring War and Preserving Rules-Based International Order” Admiral Bauer delivered a key note address on the importance of Partnerships in an increasingly divided world. During the conference, the Chair of the NATO Military Committee conducted bilateral meetings with the Minister of National Defence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Republic of Korea, as well as the Minister of Defence of Mongolia.

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