
179 Entries

10 Jul. 2024 240719-ct-policy.jpg, 24.80KB

NATO endorses updated Policy Guidelines on Counter-Terrorism

At the 2024 NATO Summit in Washington, D.C., Heads of State and Government endorsed the Alliance’s updated Policy Guidelines on Counter-Terrorism. These Guidelines reflect the evolution of the threat of terrorism and of NATO’s work to combat terrorism over the last decade.
22 Sep. 2023 230922-drone2.jpg, 95.69KB

NATO tests counter-drone technologies during exercise

From 12 to 22 September 2023, over 300 participants from 15 Allied and three partner nations, the European Union and the private sector gathered in the Netherlands to increase their ability to counter potential threats posed by the malign use of small drones.
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NATO Deputy Secretary General at CEVRO Institute: if President Putin wins, we all lose

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană sent a strong message of support to Ukraine for as long as it takes, adding that a win for President Putin in Ukraine would send the wrong message to other authoritarian leaders and undermine the rules-based international order.
17 May. 2023 230516-jordan.jpg, 31.72KB

NATO and Jordan discuss border security cooperation

NATO and Jordan concluded talks on Tuesday (16 May 2023) to help Jordan improve its border security. Held in Aqaba, Jordan, the three-day workshop helped to identify Jordanian maritime and counter-terrorism requirements and ways for NATO to improve the efficiency and sustainability of Jordan’s counter-terrorism capacity.
08 Mar. 2023 230308-deep-001.jpg, 73.42KB

NATO launches counter-terrorism capacity-building course

NATO has launched an online counter-terrorism capacity-building course open to participants from Allied and partner countries
13 Jan. 2023 230113-jordan-dcb.jpg, 54.79KB

NATO helps Jordan enhance its counter-terrorism capacity

Fighting 21st century terrorism is a complex task that requires full and active cooperation of both civilian and military institutions. On 8-12 January 2023, NATO trained Jordan Armed Forces to further the development of a whole-of-government approach to counter-terrorism.
30 Jun. 2022 220629i-047.jpg - Meeting of the North Atlantic Council at the level of Heads of State and Government with Partners - NATO Summit Madrid - Spain, 27-30 June 2022, 116.50KB

Madrid Summit ends with far-reaching decisions to transform NATO

The NATO Summit in Madrid drew to a close on Thursday (30 June 2022) with decisions to transform and strengthen the Alliance. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said: “The decisions we have taken in Madrid will ensure that our Alliance continues to preserve peace, prevent conflict, and protect our people and our values. Europe and North America, standing together in NATO.”
25 May. 2022 220525-dexter.jpg, 34.23KB

NATO demonstrates new technology to counter terrorism in crowded venues

Subway stations, airports, and other mass transit and gathering venues across the world have been targeted by terrorist attacks, leading to loss of life and damage to infrastructure. With DEXTER – short for Detection of EXplosives and firearms to counter TERrorism – NATO has developed the prototype of a technology to counter the threat from firearms and explosives in crowded venues. After three years of research supported by the NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme, a one-month testing of the prototype was was successfully completed in a subway station in Rome, Italy.
22 Nov. 2021 211122-deep.jpg, 35.18KB

Podcast series launched on NATO’s role in the fight against terrorism

NATO’s Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP) eAcademy has recently launched its first-ever podcast series called “DEEP Dive”.
22 Oct. 2021 211022e-005.jpg - NATO Secretary General joins meeting of Defence Ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS , 123.84KB

Secretary General reaffirms NATO’s commitment to counter terrorism at a meeting of Defence Ministers from the Global Coalition against ISIS

Today (22 October 2021), NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg joined an in-person meeting of Defence Ministers from framework nations of the Global Coalition against ISIS, chaired by the United States, in Brussels.

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