
181 Entries

17 Sep. 2024 131217a-eu-nato.jpg - 131217a-eu-nato.jpg, 98.88KB

NATO reiterates its full support to EU efforts in Kosovo

NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Operations, Tom Goffus, joined Mr. Stefano Tomat, Civilian Operations Commander at the European Union External Action Service, in separate meetings with the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina. The meetings took place in the margins of the EU-facilitated Dialogue hosted by the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkans issues, Mr. Miroslav Lajcak.
18 Jul. 2024 240718a-001.jpg - NATO Secretary General attends meeting of the European Political Community, 108.13KB

NATO Secretary General at the European Political Community: the transatlantic Alliance is the cornerstone for European security

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg underlined the enduring significance of NATO at a meeting of the European Political Community (EPC) hosted by the UK government on Thursday (18 July 2024), stating that the “transatlantic Alliance is the cornerstone for European security.”
11 Jul. 2024 240711c-001.jpg - Group photo of the NATO Secretary General, Heads of State and Government with Ukraine, the Indo-Pacific Nations and the President of the United States  - Washington Summit, 106.77KB

Washington Summit: Secretary General underlines NATO’s deepening cooperation with Indo-Pacific and EU partners

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg underlined the “strong and deepening cooperation” between NATO and its Indo-Pacific partners - Australia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and New Zealand - and the European Union at its Summit in Washington on Thursday (11 July 2024).
28 May. 2024 240528b-002.jpg - NATO Secretary General participates in a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council, 103.97KB

NATO Secretary General: Ukraine’s most urgent need is more air defence

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg participated in a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union with EU Defence Ministers on Tuesday (28 May 2024) to discuss continued support to Ukraine and the need to increase defence production.
04 Apr. 2024 240403-nac.jpg - Meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Foreign Ministers’ Session - Meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs, 75.56KB

Foreign Ministers mark NATO’s 75th anniversary, meet with Ukraine, Indo-Pacific partners, European Union

Foreign Ministers concluded two days of talks in Brussels on Thursday (4 April 2024) with a meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council, and another meeting with Indo-Pacific partners and the European Union. Thursday marked 75 years since NATO’s founding. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the landmark, saying: "since 1949, we have been the strongest and most successful Alliance in history."
12 Mar. 2024 240312-topic-nac-at-32.jpg, 117.05KB

Sweden attends first North Atlantic Council meeting as an Ally, in discussion devoted to NATO-EU cooperation

For the first time in history, thirty-two NATO Allies gathered for a meeting of the North Atlantic Council on Tuesday (12 March 2024), with Sweden’s Ambassador Axel Wernhoff taking his alphabetical place around the table.
16 Feb. 2024 240216-msc.jpg, 36.23KB

Secretary General: NATO-EU cooperation has reached unprecedented levels

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg underscored the importance of NATO-EU cooperation in response to Russia’s war against Ukraine on Friday (16 February 2024) arriving at an event hosted by Bavaria's Christian Social Union.
14 Feb. 2024 240214-dsg-eu.jpg, 65.68KB

Deputy Secretary General at the European Parliament: NATO-EU partnership is crucial to European security

Speaking at the European Parliament on Wednesday (14 February 2024), NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană underlined the importance of NATO-EU cooperation to address the security situation in the Black Sea, Western Balkans and eastern Europe, and tackle other shared challenges like disinformation, cyber security and military issues.
13 Feb. 2024 240213-eu-market.jpg - European Commissioner for the Internal Market visits NATO Headquarters, 77.46KB

NATO Allies discuss the importance of boosting defence industrial capacity with European Commissioner Thierry Breton

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton, to the NATO Headquarters on Tuesday (13 February 2024). Mr Stoltenberg emphasised the importance of NATO-EU cooperation to address shared priorities, including boosting defence production and ensuring long-term support to Ukraine.
19 Dec. 2023 231219-dsg-eu-college.jpg - College of Europe visits NATO, 76.45KB

NATO Deputy Secretary General meets EU diplomats, stresses the power of unity in tackling global challenges

NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Geoană welcomed a group of 21 diplomats from 19 European Union member states in Brussels on Tuesday (19 December 2023). The diplomats are part of the European Diplomatic Academy, a training programme launched by the European External Action Service in 2022.

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