
8 Entries

27 Sep. 2022 220927-sps-quantum-001.jpg, 67.28KB

Using quantum technologies to make communications secure

Innovative projects led by scientists in NATO and partner countries are breaking new ground to harness the power of quantum to make communications impossible to intercept and hack. The application of these quantum technologies in the security and defence sectors could help to future-proof the transmission of information, protecting it from increasingly advanced hacking systems and contributing to NATO’s efforts to maintain its technological edge.
27 Sep. 2022 220927-sps-quantum-001.jpg, 67.28KB

Using quantum technologies to make communications secure

Innovative projects led by scientists in NATO and partner countries are breaking new ground to harness the power of quantum to make communications impossible to intercept and hack. The application of these quantum technologies in the security and defence sectors could help to future-proof the transmission of information, protecting it from increasingly advanced hacking systems and contributing to NATO’s efforts to maintain its technological edge.
16 Apr. 2019 190416-sps1.jpg - 190416-sps1.jpg, 27.67KB

NATO works on quantum cryptography with Malta

Quantum technology will soon change our security landscape. While this technology could represent a ground-breaking solution to complex problems in a number of fields, its potential can also be disruptive. NATO’s Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme is supporting two projects to secure our digital communications for the post-quantum era.
27 Apr. 2017 170427-sg-malta-eu.jpg - 170427-sg-malta-eu.jpg , 63.85KB

Secretary General in Malta: NATO is strengthening cooperation with the EU

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with EU Defence Ministers in Valletta on Thursday (27 April 2017) for talks on European defence and strengthening NATO-EU cooperation.
26 Apr. 2017 170426a-008.jpg - NATO Secretary General visits Malta, 60.04KB

Secretary General meets Maltese Prime Minister in Valletta

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with Maltese Prime Minister Dr. Joseph Muscat on Wednesday (26 April 2017) in Valletta, kicking off a two-day visit to Malta. The meeting was the first ever between a NATO Secretary General and a Prime Minister of Malta.
03 Apr. 2008 Preparing the Bucharest summit, 60.20KB

Malta re-engages in the Partnership for Peace Programme

At the Bucharest Summit, NATO Heads of State and Government welcomed Malta’s return to the Partnership for Peace Programme. At Malta's request, the Allies have re-activated Malta's participation in the Partnership for Peace Programme (PfP).
29 Oct. 1996

Malta announces its intention to withdraw from the Partnership for Peace Programme

26 Apr. 1995

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta, Professor Guido de Marco, sign the Partnership for Peace Framework Document

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