
10 Entries

22 Nov. 2024 241121-logistics-committee.jpg, 32.08KB

National logistics directors address lessons learned from NATO’s largest exercise in decades

Following Exercise Steadfast Defender 2024, which took place earlier this year, the Logistics Committee met at NATO Headquarters this week (20-21 November 2024) to discuss how to improve mobility corridors, digitalisation, innovation, multi-national maintenance, interoperability with partners, and delivery in a contested environment. These elements are important in ensuring an efficient and effective deterrence and defence.
23 May. 2024 240523-logistics-com.jpg, 59.20KB

Logistics Committee discusses how to further strengthen the Alliance’s deterrence and defence posture

The NATO Logistics Committee, NATO's principal high-level body dealing with logistics, met at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on 21-22 May 2024. Allies’ discussions focused on how to implement NATO’s defence plans, which will ensure that NATO can continue to deter and defend by moving forces and equipment to the right place and at the right time.
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Logistics Committee discusses how to further strengthen the Alliance’s deterrence and defence posture

The NATO Logistics Committee, NATO's principal high-level body dealing with logistics, met at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on 21-22 May 2024. Allies’ discussions focused on how to implement NATO’s defence plans, which will ensure that NATO can continue to deter and defend by moving forces and equipment to the right place and at the right time.
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NATO develops multinational fuel handling capability to support operations

On 15 March 2017, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States signed a Letter of Intent confirming the willingness for collective fuel support to NATO operations and exercises. This was the result of a smart defence initiative on multinational fuel handling capability led by France under the auspices of the NATO Petroleum Committee.
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Civilian expert helps NATO establish communication lines

It’s not every day that someone describes to you how a slight mis-measurement on the height of a vehicle led them to destroying the canopy of a public train station – without even realizing at the time. But, then not everyone is like Tony Hurst, who plots and plans the transport of military supplies, including armoured vehicles, from their source to theatres of operations that could be literally anywhere in the world.
22 Mar. 2010 100322-snlc.jpg, 17.78KB

Six Allies agree to cooperation on movement control for NATO operations

NATO members Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovakia will sign a Memorandum of Understanding in the margins of the Senior NATO Logisticians' Conference on 23 March 2010, committing their national support to the Movement Control Multinational Integrated Logistic Unit (Mov Con MILU).
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The ''fuel soldiers''

"Fuel soldiers" have an essential mission: to supply and support the forces deployed to an operation wherever and whenever needed. Many factors have to be taken into account for operational effectiveness. Developing multinational fuel logistics capabilities is also a priority, aimed at reducing the logistical footprint and the cost of operations. France is leading one such multinational project.
21 Jun. 2013 130621-logisticians02.JPG - Training for logistics cooperation in Slovakia, 47.62KB

Training for logistics cooperation in Slovakia

Logisticians from several Allied and partner countries are being put to the test in NATO’s largest-ever logistics exercise from 8 to 26 June. Capable Logistician 2013 is centred around a scenario where NATO-led multinational forces are deployed to a fictitious country to manage a simulated crisis involving inter-ethnic conflict and floods of refugees.
30 Jan. 2012 120130-log-exp1.jpg - 120130-log-exp1.jpg, 31.58KB

Civilian expert helps NATO establish communication lines

It’s not every day that someone describes to you how a slight mis-measurement on the height of a vehicle led them to destroying the canopy of a public train station – without even realizing at the time. But, then not everyone is like Tony Hurst, who plots and plans the transport of military supplies, including armoured vehicles, from their source to theatres of operations that could be literally anywhere in the world.
22 Mar. 2010 100322-snlc.jpg, 17.78KB

Six Allies agree to cooperation on movement control for NATO operations

NATO members Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovakia will sign a Memorandum of Understanding in the margins of the Senior NATO Logisticians' Conference on 23 March 2010, committing their national support to the Movement Control Multinational Integrated Logistic Unit (Mov Con MILU).

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