
73 Entries

17 Sep. 2024 131217a-eu-nato.jpg - 131217a-eu-nato.jpg, 98.88KB

NATO reiterates its full support to EU efforts in Kosovo

NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Operations, Tom Goffus, joined Mr. Stefano Tomat, Civilian Operations Commander at the European Union External Action Service, in separate meetings with the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina. The meetings took place in the margins of the EU-facilitated Dialogue hosted by the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkans issues, Mr. Miroslav Lajcak.
13 Sep. 2024 240913-sdsg-montenegro.jpg, 114.04KB

Acting NATO Deputy Secretary General welcomes Montenegro’s contributions to stability in the Western Balkans

Acting NATO Deputy Secretary General Boris Ruge visited Montenegro on Friday (13 September 2024). In Podgorica he met with President Jakov Milatović, Prime Minister Milojko Spajić, Deputy Prime Minister Ervin Ibrahimović, and Defence Minister Dragan Krapović. Amb. Ruge also met with members of civil society.
23 Aug. 2024 240823-podcast-generic.jpg, 37.01KB

NATO Through Time podcast – NATO’s open door (2004) with former President of Latvia Dr Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga

The NATO Through Time podcast dives deep into NATO’s history, reflecting on how the past influences the present – and future – of the longest-lasting alliance in history. This episode features former President of Latvia Dr Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, who helped lead her country into NATO in 2004.
22 Aug. 2024 240822-pasp-comkfor.jpg, 56.09KB

NATO reaffirms commitment to regional stability as Assistant Secretary General Ruge wraps up trip to Western Balkans

NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy, Ambassador Boris Ruge, held high-level consultations in Sarajevo, Pristina and Belgrade from 16 to 22 August 2024. Ambassador Ruge highlighted that the Western Balkans is a region of strategic importance for the Alliance and reiterated NATO Allies’ steadfast commitment to lasting security. He noted the continued, long-standing cooperation between NATO, the European Union and other international organisations to consolidate regional stability.
10 Jul. 2024 240710-Aegis.JPG, 84.67KB

NATO missile defence base in Poland now mission ready

A new U.S. ballistic missile defence site in Redzikowo, Poland is now operational and available for the defence of the Alliance. Dubbed “Aegis Ashore”, the site is part of a larger NATO missile shield and is designed to detect, track and intercept ballistic missiles in flight.
02 Jul. 2024 240702-sp-battlegroup2.jpg, 70.17KB

Spain takes command of NATO’s battlegroup in Slovakia

On Monday (1 July 2024) Spain took command of NATO’s multinational battlegroup in Slovakia. Spain succeeds Czechia, who had been leading the battlegroup since its establishment in 2022. Troops from Czechia, Slovakia and Slovenia are deployed alongside the 700 Spanish troops as part of the battlegroup, bolstering Allied deterrence and defence on NATO’s eastern flank. Spanish military personnel were recently involved leading another multinational exercise - Slovak Shield, part of Steadfast Defender 24 - NATO’s largest military exercise since the Cold War. Spain is also contributing to NATO’s multinational battlegroup led by Canada in Latvia.
28 Mar. 2024 240328-cmc-latvia.jpg - Chair of NATO Military Committee visits Latvia, 58.74KB

Chair of the NATO Military Committee visits Latvia on the 20th anniversary of its NATO membership

On 27-29 March 2024, the Chair of the NATO Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, visited Latvia upon the invitation of the Chief of Defence, Lieutenant General Leonīds Kalniņš. While in Riga, Admiral Bauer met with the President, Minister of Defence and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, in order to discuss collective deterrence and defence and the implementation of the decisions taken at the Vilnius summit last year. Admiral Bauer also participated in public events to celebrate Latvia’s NATO 20 year-membership.
21 Mar. 2024 240321a-002.jpg - Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia visits NATO, 42.97KB

Secretary General thanks Slovenian Prime Minister for contributions to NATO and Ukraine

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed the Prime Minister of Slovenia Robert Golob to NATO Headquarters on Thursday (21 March 2024).
26 Jan. 2024 240126a-004.jpg - NATO Secretary General meets the Prime Minister of Montenegro, 85.83KB

Secretary General hails Montenegro's commitments to NATO, key role in Western Balkans, support to Ukraine

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Prime Minister of Montenegro Milojko Spajić to NATO Headquarters on Friday (26 January 2024). They discussed preparations for the upcoming Washington Summit and continued efforts to bolster the Alliance’s deterrence and defence.
14 Dec. 2023 231214a-004.jpg - The Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic visits NATO, 79.64KB

NATO Secretary General with Prime Minister of Slovakia: support to Ukraine is not charity, it is an investment in our security

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico to NATO Headquarters on Thursday (14 December 2023). Mr Stoltenberg praised Slovakia’s commitment to the Alliance, including hosting a multinational NATO battlegroup, deploying forces to Latvia, and planning to invest 2% of GDP in defence this year. They also discussed continued support to Ukraine and further bolstering the Alliance’s deterrence and defence.

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