Major General  Serge Vassart

Military Representative – Belgium

  • Last updated: 06 Sep. 2019 15:28

Serge Vassart was born in Gembloux, Belgium, on March 3, 1964.

After having successfully completed his secondary education at the Saint-Guibert school in Gembloux, he joined the Air Force as a student at the Royal Military Academy with the 123d Promotion “All Arms” and obtained a Master degree in military and aeronautics sciences.

Trained as a Force Protection officer, his active career started in the Control & Reporting Centre (CRC) at Glons in January 1988 as commanding officer of the Flight Active Defence.

After 3 years serving in that position, he went then back to the Royal Military Academy as academic assistant in the law department.

From 1994 to 1996, he was appointed as Defence Squadron leader in the First Fighter Wing at Beauvechain (F-16 Airbase).

In September 1996, he joined the Headquarters of the Tactical Air Force in Brussels as Staff Officer. He was assigned to the Section Ground Operations as Chief of the Active Defence and Survival Section in charge of force protection responsibilities for the airbases in Belgium as well as for operational deployments abroad.

After completion of the Staff Course at the Royal Defence College (1999-2000), he was appointed to the Air Force Staff in the Personnel Organization and Training Section. During that tour, he contributed to the preparation of the units and staff’s peace establishments to allow the transition of the General Defence Staff to the joint staff structure.

In 2001, he became Military Assistant and Aide-de-Camp to the Belgian Military Representative to the Military Committee of the European Union, during the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council.

Being promoted to the rank of Major in December 2001, he returned to the Joint Defence Staff to be assigned as Executive Officer for the Division Plans at the Strategy Department (ACOS STRAT). Serving in that position, he participated to the European Capability Action Plan (ECAP) as well as to the preparation and the completion of the NATO Prague Summit 2002, including NRF concept’s staffing and Prague Capabilities Commitments initiative (PCC).

From September 2003 till July 2004, he attended the Advanced Staff Course at the Royal Defence College.

From August 2004, he served as Commanding Officer of the Defence and Support Group of the 2d Tactical Wing (F16 Airbase) located in Florennes. Short after his promotion to Lieutenant Colonel in September 2006, he was deployed in Afghanistan as Deputy Commander of the International Airport of Kabul (DCOM KAIA).

Coming back from Afghanistan, he completed his commanding tour in Florennes before joining the Military Household of the King as advisor. On September 26th 2011, he was promoted to Colonel. At the beginning of 2012, he left this position to attend the 120th session of the Senior Course at the NATO Defence College in Rome.

Having completed this course, in December 2012, Serge Vassart has been appointed to the Permanent Representation of Belgium to NATO as Deputy Defence Counsellor. As from the 1st of April 2015, he was the Belgian Defence Counsellor.

In August 2015, he was appointed Aide-de-Camp to His Majesty the King.

He has been promoted Major General on 26th of June 2017 and was appointed Deputy Military Representative of Belgium to the EU Military Committee as of 1st of January 2018.

As of August 28th, 2019 he serves as the Military Representative of Belgium to the NATO and EU Military Committees.

Serge VASSART is married with Dominique and is the father of Caroline and Clara.