François de Kerchove d’Exaerde

Permanent Representative – Belgium

  • Last updated: 07 Oct. 2014 15:43

Name & First Name

de Kerchove d’Exaerde, François

Date & Place of Birth

22 May 1960, Rhode Saint Genèse, Belgium



Marital Status

Not married

Academic Background

  • Master of Science (Econ.), The London School of Economics & Political Science
  • Licencié en Sciences Politiques et Relations Internationales, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Professional Background

  • Oct. 2014 Ambassador, Permanent Representative to NATO    
  • Dec. 2011 Director of the Cabinet of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and European Affairs
  • June 2011  Ambassador to the Political & Security Committee of the EU, Brussels    
  • Aug. 2009  Security Policy Director, Foreign Affairs, Brussels
  • Sept. 2008 Deputy Security Policy Director, Foreign Affairs, Brussels
  • Sept. 2004 Minister-Counsellor, Embassy of Belgium in Berlin
  • Jan. 2002 Director General, Royal Institute for International Relations (today Egmont Institute), Brussels
  • Aug. 2001 Desk Officer Afghanistan & Pakistan, Foreign Affairs, Brussels
  • Sept. 1997 Consul General in Osaka
  • Aug. 1993 Head of Commercial section, Belgian Embassy in Tokyo
  • Aug. 1991 Second Secretary, Belgian Embassy in Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain
  • Oct. 1989  Joined the Foreign Ministry. Department of Diplomatic Traineeship


  • Officer (Infantry) in the Reserve Commission