Nanostructured Materials for the Detection of CBRN

(published under the NATO Science for Peace and Security series - 2018)

  • Last updated: 15 May. 2020 11:57

Title: Nanostructured Materials for the Detection of CBRN

SPS Reference: G5212


This book includes topics in nanophysics, nanotechnology, nanomaterials, sensors, biosensors, security systems, and CBRN agents detection. There have been many significant advances in the past two years and some entirely new directions of research are just opening up.

Recent developments in nanotechnology and measurement techniques now allow experimental investigation of the physical properties of nanostructured materials.

The book presents new methods for the detection of chemical, biological, radiological and  nuclear (CBRN) agents  using chemical and biochemical sensors. Identification, protection and decontamination are the main scientific and technological responses for the modern challenges of CBRN agents.

Editors: Bonca, J.; Kruchinin, S.

Access the publication here: Nanostructured Materials for the Detection of CBRN

Series: Series A: Chemistry and Biology

Publisher: Springer Netherlands

ISBN: 978-94-024-1304-5 (eBook); 978-94-024-1303-8 (Hardcover); 978-94-024-1306-9 (Softcover)