Opening remarks
by NATO Secretary General at the Meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission at Heads of State and Government level
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and a warm welcome to NATO.
I would like to extend a special welcome to President Yushchenko, who is attending this first meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission after last December’s landmark elections.
But let me also extend a warm welcome to President Traian Basescu of Romania, Prime Minister Paul Martin of Canada, Prime Minister Stanislav Gross of the Czech Republic, Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany of Hungary, Prime Minister Halldor Asgrimsson of Iceland and Prime Minister Janez Jansa of Slovenia, who are joining us for the first time in this configuration.
It is in fact quite befitting that today’s Summit meetings start with the NATO-Ukraine Commission. After all, NATO’s role was, and is, to defend essential values – democracy, freedom, rule of law. And just two months ago, the world watched as the people of Ukraine demonstrated their firm commitment to the democratic values that underpin both the North Atlantic Alliance and the NATO-Ukraine Distinctive Partnership.
We congratulate the people of Ukraine for not only refusing to let their choice be ignored, but also overcoming the crisis in peace and unity. And President Yushchenko, we congratulate you for your victory and applaud your leadership, both during the crisis and now as President.
L’OTAN est résolument attachée à une coopération solide, efficace et plus poussée avec l’Ukraine. Le Partenariat spécifique OTAN-Ukraine constitue un élément essentiel de notre sécurité commune.
Qu’il s’agisse des efforts de maintien de la paix dans les Balkans, de la lutte internationale contre le terrorisme, de l’aide qu’elle apporte à l’Alliance pour remplir ses opérations et missions, l’Ukraine démontre toujours et encore qu’elle apporte une contribution importante à notre sécurité. Les Alliés reconnaissent cette contribution et y attachent beaucoup de prix.
J’espère que nous saurons saisir l'occasion qui s’offre à nous pour tirer parti, ensemble, des progrès accomplis dans la réalisation des objectifs du plan d'action OTAN-Ukraine. Ces objectifs sont d’une importance cruciale tant pour la consolidation de la démocratie en Ukraine que pour les aspirations de votre pays à une intégration euro-atlantique.
Monsieur le Président, vous commencez à peine à conduire l’Ukraine sur la voie des réformes: la tâche est immense, et la mise en oeuvre de votre programme ne sera pas facile. Nous attendons avec intérêt d’en savoir plus sur votre vision des réformes à accomplir et nous vous assurons que l’Alliance se tient prête à vous apporter son concours dans cette entreprise.
Today, in a concrete expression of that commitment, we will also be launching a PfP Trust Fund project to help Ukraine deal with the dangerous legacy of old ammunitions and small arms and light weapons stockpiles. This initiative will be the largest of its kind ever undertaken. We hope this project will serve as a concrete demonstration to the Ukrainian people of the tangible benefits of NATO-Ukraine co-operation.
Finally, to President Yushchenko, and to the Ukrainian people, I would say that our interest in intensified practical cooperation with Ukraine should be understood as a sign of our deep commitment to this partnership, and our willingness to help Ukraine along the path to assuming her rightful place as an integral part of a Europe whole, free and democratic.
With this, ladies and gentlemen, I give the floor to President Yushchenko.