Opening remarks
by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at the Meeting of the Council at the level of Heads of State and Government
Dear Friends,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Let me warmly welcome all of you to this meeting of the North Atlantic Council at its highest level.
This meeting is both timely and important for the strengthening of transatlantic relations.
Since our last Summit in Istanbul, there have been significant developments.
Historic elections have taken place in Afghanistan, Ukraine, for the Palestinian Authority, and in Iraq.
These events demonstrate that even in the most diverse circumstances, the values of democracy, freedom and rule of law are shared aspirations of people around the world.
NATO operations, from the Strait of Gibraltar to the Hindukush, support our shared values while defending our populations and territories from today’s security challenges – terrorism, fragile and failed states, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
In Afghanistan, we are expanding the International Security Assistance Force to the West, and look forward to its expansion to the South of that country. We will support the security effort for the upcoming National Assembly elections. And we will contribute to the development of a future political strategy, as the Bonn process concludes.
In Iraq, all 26 Allies are working together to respond to the Iraqi government’s request for support: by training Iraqi security forces, providing equipment, and helping to fund NATO’s efforts.
Au Proche-Orient, je suis persuadé que l’évolution positive enregistrée récemment donnera un élan supplémentaire à notre politique d’ouverture à cette région, politique illustrée par le Dialogue méditerranéen de l’OTAN et par notre récente Initiative de coopération d’Istanbul. Je reste persuadé que l’Alliance peut apporter une réelle contribution à la paix et à la stabilité dans cette région.
S’agissant de l’Ukraine, nous venons de rencontrer le président Yushchenko et avons réaffirmé notre ferme soutien à ses plans de réforme et au souhait d’intégration de l’Ukraine dans les structures euro-atlantiques.
Au Kosovo, le processus politique en cours, dans lequel l’OTAN devrait pleinement jouer son rôle, reste déterminant pour la sécurité de la région. L’OTAN demeure attachée à garantir un environnement de sécurité qui permette à ce processus de se poursuivre pacifiquement.
Aujourd’hui, nous évoquerons par ailleurs l’importance de maintenir et d’étendre notre partenariat fort avec la Russie. Et nous avons l’intention de développer encore notre partenariat stratégique avec l’Union européenne, et de renforcer la coopération avec les Nations Unies et d’autres organisations internationales, afin d’intensifier nos efforts communs visant à promouvoir la paix et la stabilité.
This transatlantic agenda, spanning so many strategically important parts of the world, addressing many pressing security challenges, demonstrates that NATO continues to play its unique role as the primary forum for North America and Europe to come together, shape common perspectives on security issues, and to act together – effectively.
But we can do more. Since its founding, our Alliance has had both a political and military function. Now, just as the transformation process has strengthened our military capabilities, we should continue work to enhance our political dialogue in the face of the many challenges before us. Just as we strive to have more deployable and effective forces, we should strive to ensure that this Council is the most effective forum for political discussions and decisions on issues that are of interest to us and impact on our security.
This Summit meeting will give a new impulse to that political evolution of NATO. That evolution will accelerate in the coming months and years, as NATO strengthens its role in shaping and delivering transatlantic security cooperation in the 21st century, based on the enduring transatlantic link, our commitment to collective defence, and our shared values.