Secretary General’s warm words with US Vice President Kamala Harris

  • 18 Feb. 2022 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 18 Feb. 2022 18:36

(As delivered)

Thank you so much, Madame Vice President.
It’s really a great pleasure to meet with you.
And to be able to sit down and to address some of the very serious security challenges we face together.

NATO remains the cornerstone for our security.
The security of Europe and for North America.
And therefore, I am extremely grateful for your personal commitment to our Alliance, to the transatlantic bond.
And also the very strong and staunch commitment to NATO from the Biden-Harris Administration.

Not only in words but also in deeds.
We see it on the ground in Europe now.

On Friday, I went to Romania and met US troops there.
And they always impress me with their professionalism, their dedication.
And of course to have US troops, and more US troops in Europe now, in this critical time for our security, really demonstrates the North American and the US commitment to our shared security.

I also welcome the fact that the European Allies are stepping up.
Also increasing their presence in the eastern part of the Alliance.
And also investing more in defence.

So the reality is that North America and Europe are doing more together now than for many years.
That is important to deal with the aggressive actions of Russia.

But also to address the more competitive world.
The security consequences of the rise of China.
We have to stand together, North America and Europe.

So again, thank you for your leadership, your commitment.
And I look forward to our meeting.