Resolution on the Peaceful Settlement of Disputes and Differences between Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
WHEREAS the parties to the North Atlantic Treaty, under Article I of that treaty, have undertaken"to settle any international disputes in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered" ;
WHEREAS the parties have further undertaken to seek to eliminate conflicts in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them;
WHEREAS NATO unity and strength in the pursuit of these objectives remain essential for continuous co-operation in military and nonmilitary fields;
The North Atlantic Council:
REAFFIRMS the obligations of all its members, under Article I of the Treaty, to settle by peaceful means any dispute between themselves;
DECIDES that any such disputes which have not proved capable of settlement directly be submitted to good offices procedures within the NATO framework before member governments resort to any other international agency except for disputes of a legal character appropriate for submission to a judicial tribunal and those disputes of an economic character for which attempts at settlement might best be made initially in the appropriate specialised economic organizations;
RECOGNIZES the right and duty of member governments and of the Secretary General to bring to its attention matters which in their opinion may threaten the solidarity or effectiveness of the Alliance;
EMPOWERS the Secretary General to offer his good offices informally at any time to member governments involved in a dispute and with their consent to initiate or facilitate procedures of inquiry, mediation, conciliation, or arbitration;
AUTHORISES the Secretary General where he deems it appropriate for the purpose outlined in the preceding paragraph to use the assistance of not more than three permanent representatives chosen by him in each instance.