NATO Summit

Brussels, Belgium – 11 & 12 July 2018

  • 11 Jul. 2018 - 12 Jul. 2018
  • |
  • Press Release (2018) 075(Revised)
  • Issued on 04 Jul. 2018
  • |
  • Last updated: 09 Jul. 2018 19:43

(UPDATED ADVISORY – 9 July 2018)


  1. A meeting of NATO Heads of State and Government will be held on Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 July 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. The meeting will be chaired by the NATO Secretary General and will include a short opening ceremony.
  2. The Meeting will take place at the new NATO Headquarters on Boulevard Leopold III, 1110 Brussels.
  3. An international media centre will open on site on 10 July 2018 at 09h00 and remain open around the clock until 13 July 2018 at 09h00 local time. Access to the media centre will be granted exclusively via the Accreditation Office, details of which are provided below.
  4. All updates will be posted on the NATO website: You can also follow us on twitter @NATOPress.
  5. For obvious reasons, security will be heavy during this event. Please allocate enough time to account for security checks and random sweeps, and to comply with the instructions of NATO security staff as they occur.


  1. Applications for accreditation are now closed. Late requests can be entered on line by clicking on the following link:, but without guaranty of being staffed or accepted for Summit participation.
  2. The deadline for accreditation requests was 18h00 (Brussels time) on 27 June 2018. Questions can be directed to after that date.
  3. Opening hours of the NATO Summit Accreditation Office:
Accreditation Hours
Accreditation Location
Media Centre Hours
Saturday 7 July
10h – 15h
Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155, 1040 Bruxelles
Sunday 8 July
15h - 19h
Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155, 1040 Bruxelles
Monday 09 July
10h - 18h
Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi 155, 1040 Bruxelles
Tuesday 10 July
8h - 20h
STIB-MIVB Houtweg 23 1130 Haren
9h and continuously
Wednesday 11 July
6h30 – 19h
STIB-MIVB Houtweg 23 1130 Haren
Thursday 12 July
6h – 15h
STIB-MIVB Houtweg 23 1130 Haren
Friday 13 July
Continuously – 9h

  1. Additional information on how to access the two accreditation locations can be found here:
  2. A specific media pass for the Summit will be delivered to all accredited media. The 2018 NATO permanent pass will NOT authorize access to the Headquarters during the Meeting.
  3. Late applications will be treated on a case-by-case basis and, due to security constraints, will be strictly limited and may be unsuccessful.
  4. Media passes will not be mailed to applicants and will be delivered in person upon presentation of a valid national identification document (Passport or ID-card) and a valid national press card (or accreditation letter from a recognised media organisation).
  5. Media representatives are informed that security personnel will examine, and may test, equipment and personal effects carried onto the site, and are advised to arrive with sufficient lead time to clear security checks.
  6. In accordance with NATO media accreditation procedures, NATO reserves the right to deny or withdraw accreditation of media representatives from media organizations who abuse their privileges, put the accreditation to improper use, or act in a way not consistent with the principles of the organization. Accreditation requests introduced after 27 June may also be rejected outright.


  1. Heads of Delegations will arrive at NATO HQ on 11 July as from 9h45. A formal greeting and opening ceremony are scheduled between 13h15 and 14h14, and the first working session is scheduled to begin at 14h30 and last until 17h. The Secretary General will hold a press conference at 17h15 on 11 July. The Secretary General will also hold a doorstep, around 10h45 on 11 July.
  2. On 12 July, the Secretary General will hold joint press statements with the President of Georgia at 8h and with the President of Ukraine at 8h20. A working session of the North Atlantic Council with Georgia and Ukraine together is scheduled to start at 8h45. The second working session of the Council will be at 10h30 in Resolute Support Mission format, with  partner nations.
  3. Details about media opportunities at the dinner location were provided by Belgian authorities to accredited media.
  4. The media programme derives from the official Summit programme, and includes elements of the ‘NATO Engages’ Symposium organized on the margins of the Summit, on site. More information can be found at
  5. All media access to the media events at the new NATO HQ and around the working dinners outside the new NATO HQ will be restricted to media pool card holders. Pools will be of a given size, and delegations and/or NATO will distribute pool cards to media. A handbook detailing pool positions and timings will be made available to accredited media.
  6. The pools include :
    1. On 11 July, arrivals, doorsteps, official greeting, official group portrait, opening ceremony, meeting opening, working dinner welcome and photo; press conference do not require pool cards;
    2. On 12 July, arrivals, doorsteps, meeting openings; and
    3. Access to Symposium events does not typically require pool cards; in case of need, access restrictions will be placed for health/safety reasons. The Secretary General is expected to open the Symposium with a keynote address in the morning on 11 July.
  7. All media programme events will be transmitted live by the Summit Host Broadcaster to the media centre, online and via satellite.
  8. A special welcoming event will be organized by the host country Belgium for accredited media on 10 July from 18h – a unique opportunity to experience the host country’s culture. More information was provided to accredited media.
  9. Bilateral events between delegations are not a part of the official Summit programme, but they may include a media component. Details of these bilateral events should be sought from the delegations concerned.


  1. The Media Centre is accessible exclusively from the Stib Depot in Haren (see paragraph 8 above). Media will be able to park their private vehicles at the Stib, or take public transport to reach it. From there, a shuttle system will take you to the NATO HQ Media Centre. There is no direct access for media to the NATO HQ on 10-13 July.
  2. The Media Centre includes a filing area for 850 workspaces; broadcast centre with 45 Television and 15 Radio editing booths; 26 outdoors stand-up positions with a view to the NATO Flags, NATO star and the new NATO HQ façade, 19 indoor stand up positions with a view to the Agora (9) and to the international filing centre (10); briefing space for delegation press conferences; catering area; and parking for 30 satellite trucks.
  3. Connectivity:
    1. Wi-fi: Wi-fi will be available to accredited media at the  Media Centre. Pool positions at the new NATO Headquarters will have some cell phone connectivity and, in many cases, wi-fi as well.
    2. LAN: All stand up positions and edit booths have a dedicated LAN internet connection.
  4. Access by Satellite and SNG Trucks:
    1. Duly accredited media representatives can bring in bulky equipment as from 9 July (by appointment) and not later than 10 July at 17h.
    2. Satellite van accessibility and security procedures need to be completed on 9 or 10 July before 17h. Arrivals need to be announced by contacting the TV/Radio office here: Satellite and SNG trucks will be swept by security upon entry and during the event. Should NATO security request it, please open your trucks and comply with security sweeps.
    3. Departures from the NATO HQ site by satellite vans are in principle not possible before 16h on 12 July. Special requests can be introduced in writing at


  1. NATO’s Host Broadcast operations will deliver a single high quality HD/SDI signal live to the media centre for all Summit media events on 11 and 12 July, free of charge. The feed will be available in the Media Centre without added graphics or text inserts. The live programme signal will also be aired on closed circuit television screens throughout the Media Centre and Summit site (headsets available for audio language selection in the Media Centre) and via NATO Website.
  2. NATO HQ will archive and distribute broadcast-quality B-roll from the event. Contact:
  3. NATO will also seek to distribute the signal of some airport arrivals, symposium events and working dinner events scheduled to take place during those two days.


  1. The Media Centre includes 45 editing booths for television and 15 for radio crews.  Each booth is equipped for three people. NATO will provide booths with the following complimentary amenities:
    1. Two desks and three chairs;
    2. Light, electricity, air-conditioning, lockable door, sound proofing,
    3. Cabled internet;
    4. Land phone line (VOIP);
    5. Video feed (BNC termination) of primary live programme signal. The format of the programme signal will be as origin, HD1080/50i with embedded audio and translation channels;
    6. ISDN line for radio booths; and
    7. N.B. there is no CCTV provided in booths.
  2. NATO is working to provide multiple live signals of certain ‘rich’ events, such as the opening ceremony or at times when multiple doorstep remarks are likely, provided via EBU at extra cost.
  3. EBU/Eurovision is a long-standing partner of NATO and stands ready to support television and radio operators with high-end broadcast services at commercial rates. Broadcasters and radio operators who require a secondary switchable signal (secondary live feeds, national briefings, replays) and / or who require a down-converted SD/SDI version of all host signals need to book a matrix router panel from Eurovision together with a screen. Eurovision will also provide comprehensive broadcast facilities for its television clients, including live stand-up positions for live programme inserts, tape play out in multiple formats, tailor made production and transmission packages and multi-signal distribution of Host TV video and audio signals.
  4. Reservation of editing booths on a first-come, first-serve basis can be done at no cost via EBU/Eurovision here: NATO reserves the right to arbitrate between competing requests on the basis of reach and balance.
  5. Cables connecting reserved editing booths to satellite vans must be done by the network concerned no later than 8hr CET on 11 July. Satellite vans will have access to electrical power, telephone lines, fixed and Wi-Fi internet. Prior notification of cabling plans and schedule needed to be made in writing no later than 1 July here: Late requests will be reviewed but may not be accepted.
  6. TV operations and workspace bookings:
    Eurovision Special Events
    Tel: +41 22 717 2840
    TV producer:  Dounia Wolteche
    Mob. +32 474 673 911
    CLICK HERE to view the Eurovision Special Events webpage for this NATO meeting.
  7.  RADIO operations and workspace bookings:
    EBU Radio Ops
    Tel: +41 79 230 1508
    Radio Producer: Julia Lonicer
    Mob. +41 79 230 1508
    CLICK HERE to view the EBU Radio Ops webpage for this NATO Meeting.


  1. Twenty-six outdoor stand-up positions at the flags, nine internal ones in the Agora and 10 inside the media centre have been allocated to television networks.
  2. Late requests will be looked at with no guaranty. Please contact NATO here:
  3. Broadcasters who expect to require shorter time slots for live pieces to camera can book fully equipped live positions at commercial rates via Eurovision ( or APTN (
  4. Broadcasters who need to park SNG vehicles will be given access to the open-sky car park at the media centre, located in the parking lot of the staff centre, approximately 180 meters from the edit booths and 380 meters from the stand-up positions. The parking will be cabled by NATO to all stand-up positions with 1080i50 signal and BNC interface. The edit booths are not cabled to the Satellite van parking lot. Own cabling to the satellite vans is possible under conditions (see above section). Electricity supply system (power generator) will be in place; TV teams should bring their own electricity cables to connect themselves to the electric network. Prior notice of arrival and space needs must be made in writing here:
  5. A fully equipped TV studio wired for live transmission is also available. Bookings can be made here:


  1. Press conference facilities will be located inside the new NATO Headquarters and will be available for reservations by Delegations. Information about press conferences will be available from delegations and/or published on closed circuit television screens throughout the media centre. Details about press conference room access and facilities can be obtained from Anna Sandell here:


  1. All journalists requiring visas for Belgium will be responsible for ensuring that they have the appropriate visa to enter the country. Media are advised to request accreditation without waiting for a valid visa, and to apply for such a visa in in good time. More information on the webpage of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, here:


  1. The NATO Summit Accreditation Office is the single point of entry for the NATO Summit Media Centre as from 10 July at 9 a.m. It can be accessed by train, tram and bus routes from the centre of Brussels and from Brussels International airport.
  2. The Belgian authorities will provide all accredited media with a 72h Free Public Transport Pass and public transport map in a bid to promote sustainable mobility.
  3. The Accreditation Office is within walking distance from BORDET train station. It is next to a parking lot of 400 places (first-come first-served), secured 24/7 during the opening hours of the media centre. It will also include bicycle parking and a drop off point.
  4. More information can be found here:


  1. Media must make their own accommodation arrangements in Brussels. Information provided by the Belgian Brussels Capital regional authorities can be found here:
  2. Aramark will provide catering options at commercial rates for media representatives throughout the opening hours of the media centre.


  1. Several email contacts are provided in order to cope with the large number of queries we expect on Summit-related issues, and to ensure prompt replies.

    Press Queries and Interview Requests
    • Press Queries: or +32 2 707 50 41
    • Requests for interviews of NATO Secretary General:
    • Requests for interviews of Delegation officials: delegations concerned

NATO Summit Media Coordination
Mr. Damien ARNAUD – last name.first name [at]
Ms. Alina COCA – last name.first name [at]

Belgian Authorities Media Coordination
FPS Chancellery of the Prime Minister
Media queries: