Press point by the NATO Secretary General following the meeting of the NATO-Russia Council
The NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg will hold a press point on Thursday 13 July, 2017 at +13:00 hours following the meeting of the NATO-Russia Council.
±13:00 Press point by NATO Secretary General at NATO Headquarters (Main entrance)
General Information
- Live footage of the press point will be available on the NATO website and via Eurovision Geneva upon request.
- After the event photos, video and audio files will be made available on the NATO website. Broadcast quality videos will be distributed via the NATO TV Channel. Media representative that wish to be added to the distribution list can do so by sending an email to
Live material from the press conference will be offered in English, French and Russian. After the event, audio files will also be made available in original sound, English, French and Russian.
Accreditation and Access
Journalists in possession of a 2017 NATO media pass will be granted access to NATO upon presentation of their pass.
Media representatives that do not hold a 2017 NATO media pass will need to request accreditation directly at the main entrance of the NATO Headquarters.
In order to request accreditation, media representatives will be required to present an ID and a valid press card. The press card must be issued by a recognised national professional body of a NATO country (i.e. government, professional association or union etc.).
Those not in possession of a valid press card must send a signed letter from their editor to NATO Press & Media Service, no later than 17:00 hours on Wednesday 12 July.
(Fax: +32.2.707.1399, email:
Television networks requesting access of a sat van must inform NATO using the email above. Access from 7 a.m. will be possible for sat van installation.
Security Procedures
A security check will take place and all equipment and personal effects carried onto the site will be examined by security personnel. Media representative are therefore encouraged to arrive with sufficient lead time to allow for security proceedings.
Points of Contact
General queries: Front Office +32.2.707.5041
Press arrangements: Damien Arnaud +32.2.707.5038
TV/Radio issues: Henk Dekens +32.2.707.5051
Post-event Video distribution
Follow us on Twitter (@NATOPress and @jensstoltenberg).