NATO Military Committee Conference

Media Advisory - Istanbul, Turkey - 11-13 September 2015

  • 11 Sep. 2015 - 13 Sep. 2015
  • |
  • Last updated 21-Sep-2015 09:03

The Military Committee, NATO’s highest Military Authority, will meet in Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) Session from 11-13 September 2015, in Istanbul, Turkey. The Meeting will be hosted by the Turkish Chief of the General Staff, General Hulusi Akar.

The meeting will focus on the implementation and progress of the Readiness Action Plan, regional security and its challenges, NATO’s current Mission in Afghanistan - RESOLUTE SUPPORT, and the Western Balkans. The CHODs will also discuss additional guidance and direction with regard to NATO’s Force Posture, future adaption and transformation requirements.  Lastly, they will elect the next Director General of the International Military Staff.

The meeting will be chaired by General Petr Pavel, the current Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.  He will be supported in each session by General Philip Breedlove (Supreme Allied Commander Europe or SACEUR) and General Jean-Paul Paloméros (Supreme Allied Commander Transformation or SACT).  In addition, discussions will be stimulated by presentations from General Hulusi Akar, Chief of the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces; General Mikhail Kostarakos, Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff; General Philip Breedlove (SACEUR); General Jean-Paul Paloméros (SACT); General John F. Campbell, Commander RESOLUTE SUPPORT; and General Sir Adrian Bradshaw (DSACEUR).

The Military Committee meets twice a year at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, at the level of Chiefs of Defence to discuss NATO operations and missions and provide the North Atlantic Council with consensus-based military advice on how the Alliance can best meet global security challenges, and once a year they meet in an Allied member country.  On a day-to-day basis, their work is carried out by permanent Military Representatives at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.

Media Opportunities

Friday 11 Sep 2015

18:45-19:15     Official Welcome Ceremony and Mehter Concert (Dolmabahçe Palace)

Saturday 12 Sep 2015

08:00-08:20     Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence Session (Conrad Hotel Istanbul Bosphorus)

  • Opening remarks by General Petr Pavel, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee
  • Opening remarks by General Hulusi Akar, Chief of the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces

18:00-18:30    Joint Press conference with General Petr Pavel, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee and General Hulusi Akar, Chief of the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces (Conrad Hotel Istanbul Bosphorus)


Photos and video of all opening sessions will be available online at  after each meeting. The joint press conference will not be live streamed, but it will be made available on the and on the NATO IMS MC Conference event page.


Only accredited media will get press passes for the NATO Military Committee Conference in Turkey. Requests for accreditation will be processed electronically. The accreditation form must be sent by 18:00 pm on 10 September 2015. Forms delivered after this date may be refused.

The forms, photo (if possible) and required copies of the documents should be sent by e-mail to: Please use the folowing title in the subject of your e-mail: "Accreditation NATO MCC 2015".

Passes must be worn visibly at all times, and security personnel may ask to see another form of ID at any time. We would like to inform the media personnel that security checks will be conducted separately prior to every media event. For this reason, media personnel are expected to come at least an hour earlier for the events.


Points of Contact for Host Nation Media Accreditation for the Military Committee Conference 2015:

Colonel Ahmet Murat Turan, Chief of Public Affairs Office, Turkish Armed Forces
Tel: +90 312 402 39 50

Major Serdar Anali, Planning Officer, Public Affairs Office, Turkish Armed Forces
Tel: +90 312 402 39 51

Points of contact for the Chairman of the Military Committee:

Dr Eva Svobodova, Public Affairs and Strategic Communications Advisor to the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee and NATO International Military Staff
Tel: + 32 475 75 75 61

Elizabeth Steenson, Public Affairs Officer, NATO International Military Staff
Tel: + 32 475 75 75 23