NATO and Serbia discuss how to move relationship forward

  • 18 Mar. 2015 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 18 Mar. 2015 17:58

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with the Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ivica Dačić and with the Serbian Minister of Defence Bratislav Gašić at NATO Headquarters on Wednesday (18 March 2015) for talks on the development of the NATO-Serbia relationship.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg meets with the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Ivica Dacic and with the Minister of Defence, Bratislav Gasic

During the meeting, the Secretary General praised the Serbian government's ongoing efforts to enhance Serbia's role as an active and reliable partner within the international community, including with respect to the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.  The Secretary General also praised the excellent cooperation between KFOR and Serbia and said that NATO remains committed to stability in the Western Balkan region. He welcomed Serbia's EU ambitions and Serbia’s 2015 OSCE Chairmanship.

The Secretary General said that new Individual Partnership Action Plan between NATO and Serbia will provide for new opportunities for cooperation.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dačić and Minister of Defence Gašić also addressed the North Atlantic Council.