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18-Nov-2002 11:30 AM









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New Relationships
18 November 2002
Press kit
Key information,
quotes and background
Key links
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council
NATO-Ukraine Partnership
Mediterranean Dialogue
NATO-Russia Council

Deepening and enhancing NATO's partnerships

At the Prague Summit, NATO will seek to deepen and enhance its partnerships with non-NATO countries in order to enhance security throughout the Euro-Atlantic area.

Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council

The Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) is the overarching framework for NATO's cooperation with its partners from Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

In Prague, proposals for further developing the potential of the EAPC and NATO's Partnership for Preace programme will be discussed by Heads of State and Government from NATO and partner countries.

NATO-Ukraine Partnership

In 1997 NATO and Ukraine signed a Charter on a Distinctive Partnership, which provides a framework for consultation and co-operation in areas such as conflict prevention, crisis management, peace-support, humanitarian operations, civil emergency planning, disaster preparedness, and defence reform.

The NATO-Ukraine Commission will meet at the level of Foreign Ministers in Prague to discuss ways of enhancing the partnership.

Mediterranean Dialogue

At their meeting in Reykjavik in May 2002, NATO foreign ministers decided to upgrade the political and practical dimensions of Mediterranean Dialogue by the time of the Prague Summit. This will include consulting with Mediterranean partners on security matters of common concern, including terrorism-related issues.

NATO-EU Partnership

The events of 11 September have underlined the importance of enhanced cooperation between NATO and the European Union on questions of common interest relating to security, defence, and crisis management.

Work is continuing in both organisations on the various aspects of this relationship.

NATO-Russia Council

The establishment of the NATO-Russia Council at the Rome Summit on 28 May 2002 opened a new chapter in NATO-Russia relations.

The Council brings together the 19 NATO Allies and Russia to identify and pursue opportunities for joint action at 20 as equal partners. A meeting of the Council at the level of Foreign Ministers will be held during the Prague Summit.

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