Updated: 13-Nov-2001 1998

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December 1998

2 Dec

NATO Secretary General Javier Solana issues a statement on the detention by SFOR troops of indicted war criminal, General Radislav Krstic.
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia agrees to allow a NATO force to be stationed on its territory, to evacuate international personnel involved in the OSCE verification mission in neighbouring Kosovo, if called upon to do so.

3 Dec

Visit to NATO by the Prime Minister of Albania, Pandeli Majko.

7 Dec

Visit to NATO by the Prime Minister of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Ljubco Georgievski.

8 Dec

The North Atlantic Council meets at foreign minister level, with the participation of the three invitee countries - the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. Ministers discuss preparations for the Washington Summit in April 1999, review the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the future of SFOR, and consult on the situation in Kosovo. They also review progress made on the internal adaptation of NATO and on updating the Alliance's Strategic Concept. A separate statement is issued on behalf of the 19 Governments on the adaptation of the CFE Treaty.

The Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council meets at foreign minister level. Ministers discuss future security challenges and NATO-Partner cooperation in the context of EAPC and PfP, focusing on the situations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Kosovo. They review progress on the implementation of the EAPC Basic Document and the enhancement of the Partnership for Peace, and endorse an updated EAPC Action Plan for 1998-2000.

The Foreign Minister of Austria, Wolfgang Schüssel, in his capacity as President of the Council of the European Union, meets with the NATO Secretary General for an informal exchange of views on issues of common concern, including the situations in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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9 Dec

The NATO-Russian Permanent Joint Council meets at foreign minister level. Ministers review implementation of the 1998 PJC Work Programme, welcoming progress made on developing a strong, stable partnership and emphasising the usefulness of the PJC in promoting consultation, coordination, and joint action.

The NATO-Ukraine Commission meets at foreign minister level. Ministers review the implementation of the NATO-Ukraine Charter and agree on the work programme for 1999. A Memorandum of Understanding is signed concerning the appointment of two NATO Liaison Officers in Kyiv. NATO Ministers welcome the announcement of Ukraine's "State Programme of Cooperation with NATO to the Year 2001".

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10 Dec

The Secretary General of NATO visits Bosnia and Herzegovina accompanied by General Wesley K. Clark (SACEUR).

17 Dec

The North Atlantic Council meets at defence minister level, with the participation of the three invitee countries - the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. Ministers review progress on the implementation of the decisions of the Madrid Summit in the defence field, discuss NATO's defence capabilities and preparations for the Washington Summit. They also take stock of the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in Kosovo.
Ministerial meeting of the Defence Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group. Ministers approve the 1998 Ministerial Guidance providing political guidance to NATO's Military Authorities for the period up to 2006 and beyond.

NATO Secretary General issues a statement calling for President Saddam Hussein to comply fully with all Iraq's obligations and to resume cooperation with the United Nations Special Commission on disarmament (UNSCOM).

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18 Dec

The Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council meets at defence minister level to discuss future security challenges and NATO-Partner coooperation in the context of EAPC and PfP from the defence perspective. Ministers also exchange views on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and stress the need for an early negotiated settlement to the crisis in Kosovo. NATO Ministers welcome the willingness of Partners to contribute to the NATO-led Kosovo air verification mission.

The NATO-Ukraine Commission meets at defence minister level to review the implementation of activities related to defence and military cooperation between NATO and Ukraine.

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