Updated: 06-Nov-2001 1950

[ '45-'49 | '50-'59 | '60-'69 | '70-'79 | '80-'89 | '90-'99 | '00- ]
[ 1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1958 | 1959 ]



At the end of 1950, the decision is taken to merge the embryonic military organisation created under the Brussels Treaty into the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. By 1951, General Eisenhower, appointed by the North Atlantic Council as the first Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, is able to open the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, soon to become known as SHAPE, at Rocquencourt, outside Paris.


27 Jan

President Truman approves the plan for the integrated defence of the North Atlantic area, releasing US$ 900,000,000 of military aid funds.

9 May

The French Government proposes the creation of a single authority to control the production of steel and coal in France and Germany, open for membership to other countries (Schuman Plan).

Additional information:
25 June

North Korean Forces attack the Republic of South Korea.

Additional information:
  • NATO Archives: "The first five years 1949-1954" by Lord Ismay, NATO Secretary General. Part one: History. Chapter four: The Pace Quickens


25 July

First meeting of NATO Council Deputies in London. Ambassador Charles M. Spofford, United States Representative to the North Atlantic Council, is elected Permanent Chairman.

Additional information:
  • NATO Archives: "The first five years 1949-1954" by Lord Ismay, NATO Secretary General. Part one: History. Chapter four: The Pace Quickens

  • High resolution photos of the First Meeting of Council Deputies in London, United Kingdom.
24 Oct

French Prime Minister, Rene Pleven, outlines his plan for a European unified army, including German contingents, within the framework of NATO.

Additional information:
  • NATO Archives: "The first five years 1949-1954" by Lord Ismay, NATO Secretary General. Part one: History. Chapter four: The Pace Quickens: The French Proposals


19 Dec

The North Atlantic Council appoints General Dwight D. Eisenhower to be the first Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR).

Additional information:
  • NATO Archives: "The first five years 1949-1954" by Lord Ismay, NATO Secretary General. Part one: History. Chapter four: The Pace Quickens: Eisenhower appointed

  • NATO Archives: "The first five years 1949-1954" by Lord Ismay, NATO Secretary General. Charts. The Council appoints General Eisenhower Supreme Allied Commander Europe (facsimile of original document)

  • NATO Handbook: Chapter 12 - The Military Command Structure - The Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR)

  • NATO Ministerial Communiqués: Final Communiqué of the North Atlantic Council

  • High resolution photos of the appointment of NATO's first Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
20 Dec

The Brussels Treaty Powers decide to merge the military organisation of the Western Union into the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.