- 19 March 1993
- Speech by NATO Secretary General at the Albanian Parliament
- 19 March 1993
- Albanian Parliament: The Alliance is one of the Foundation stones of
the democratic Community of Free Nations
- 29 March 1993
- Opening statement to meeting Defence Ministers
- 26 April 1993
- Discours du Secrétaire Général au Forum du
- 10 May 1993
- Speech by the Secretary General at the Centro Alti Studi Difesa,
- 19 May 1993
- Speech by the Secretary General to the International Press Institute, Venice
- 10 June 1993
- Opening statement by the Secretary General to the NAC Ministerial,
- 23 June 1993
- Welcome remarks to Chairman Shevardnadze, Brussels
- 8 July 1993
- Speech by the Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs to CSCE Parliamentary
Assembly, Helsinki
- 10 September 1993
- Speech by Secretary General Manfred Wörner to the IISS, Brussels
- 6 October 1993
- "A New NATO for a New Era" - Speech at the National Press Club,
7 October 1993
- "NATO: A Changing Alliance for a Changing World" -
Speech by the Secretary General at the Foreign Policy Association,
New York
- 26 November 1993
- Speech by the Secretary General at the Inaugural conference of the Atlantic
Council UK, London
- 29 November 1993
- Speech by the Secretary General at the WEU Assembly
- 2 December 1993
- Opening statement, NAC Ministerial, Brussels
- 3 December 1993
- Opening statement, NACC Ministerial, Brussels