- NATO Speech - 1 February 1989
- "Stability in Europe - NATO's Way Forward" - Speech
by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, to the Annual Meeting
of the World Economics Forum, Davos, Switzerland
- NATO Speech - 1 April 1989
- "The future Tasks of the Alliance" - Speech by NATO
Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, to the Quadrangular Forum, Brussels
- NATO Speech - 4 April 1989
- "40th Anniversary of NATO" - Speech by NATO Secretary
General, Manfred Wörner, to the North Atlantic Council, Brussels
- NATO Speech - 29 May 1989
- "Opening address to the North Atlantic Council Meeting at
the level of Heads of State and Government" - Speech by NATO
Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, Brussels
- OTAN Discours - 29 mai 1989
- "Discours d'ouverture la Runion du Conseil de l'Atlantique
Nord au Niveau des Chefs d'Etat et de Gouvernement" - Discours
du Secrtaire gnral de l'OTAN, Manfred Wörner, Bruxelles
- NATO Speech - 13 June 1989
- "Address to the Eighth NATO Maritime Symposium-Sealink"
- Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, Annapolis
- NATO Speech - 7 July 1989
- "Address to the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung" - Speech
by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, Brussels
- NATO Speech - 18 September 1989
- "The Future of the Alliance" - Speech by NATO Secretary
General, Manfred Wörner, at Istanbul University, Istanbul
- OTAN Discours - 18 septembre
- "L' Avenir de l'Alliance" - Discours du Secrtaire
gnral de l'OTAN, Manfred Wörner, prononc l'Universit d'Istanbul,
- NATO Speech - 6 October 1989
- "40 years of the Federal Republic of Germany 40 years of NATO"
- Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, on the Occasion
of the 40th Anniversary of the Federal Republic of Germany, Stuttgart
- OTAN Discours - 6 octobre 1989
- "La Rpublique Fdrale d'Allemagne a 40 ans - L'OTAN a 40
ans" - Discours du Secrtaire gnral de l'OTAN, Manfred Wörner,
à l' occasion de la Crmonie Commmorative du 40me Anniversaire
de la Rpublique Fdrale d'Allemagne, Stuttgart
- NATO Speech - 9 October 1989
- "Address given at the 35th Annual Session of the North Atlantic
Assembly" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner,
- OTAN Discours - 9 Octobre 1989
- "Discours Prononc la 35me Session Annuelle de l'Assemble
de l'Atlantique Nord" - Discours du Secrtaire gnral de l'OTAN,
Manfred Wörner, Rome
- NATO Speech - 12 October 1989
- "Reshaping East-West Relations" - Speech by NATO
Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, Rome
- NATO Speech - 25 October 1989
- "Address to the German American Roundtable of the Konrad Adenauer
Stiftung" - Speech by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner,
- NATO Speech - 26 October 1989
- "The Alliance-A Key Player in the future" - Speech
by NATO Secretary General, Manfred Wörner, at the 35th Annual Assembly
of the Atlantic Treaty Association, Brussels