Updated: 14-Nov-2001 1993

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October 1993

4 Oct

Troops loyal to Russian President Yeltsin pound the White House, headquarters of the Russian Parliament, with tanks and machine gun fire, ending the occupation of the building by parliamentarian hardliners opposing President Yeltsins reform programme.

The Security Council extends the mandate of UN peacekeepers in Croatia and Bosnia for six months. It authorises the peacekeepers in Croatia to take the necessary measures, including the use of force, to ensure its security and its freedom of movement.

6-7 Oct

NATO Secretary General Manfred Woerner, on a visit to the US, meets with President Bill Clinton in Washington, and with UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali in New York.

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18 Oct

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia, Mart Laar, pays an official visit to NATO Headquarters.

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20-21 Oct

NATO Defence Ministers meet in Travemünde, Germany, to discuss informally a range of subjects including the Partnership for Peace proposal and the CJTF concept and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.