Updated: 11-Jan-2002 Week of 4-11 November 2001

5 Nov . 2001
Exercise Allied Effort 2001

Poland will host a NATO exercise, Allied Effort 2001, from 5 to 20 November. Organised by Allied Forces North, the exercise will involve approximately 2,500 personnel from 14 NATO countries and 13 Partner countries and is aimed at training the headquarters and component commands of a Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF) in the planning and conduct of a peace-support operation.

5 Nov . 2001
Lord Robertson starts tour of countries aspiring to NATO membership

NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, started his tour of the nine partner countries aspiring for NATO membership with a visit to Slovakia on 5 November. He met with President Rudolf Schuster, Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Eduard Kukan, the Minister of Defence Jozef Stank and members of the Slovak Parliament. They discussed the progress made by Slovakia in meeting the membership criteria set out by the Alliance. Lord Robertson reiterated that no decisions would be taken before next year when NATO will be officially inviting countries to join the Alliance at its Summit in November 2002.

5-6 Nov . 2001
NATO armaments representatives hold biannual meeting
At its Autumn meeting this year, 5-6 November, the Conference of National Armaments Directors (CNAD) discussed a number of fundamental issues, including the reinforcement of NATO's defence capabilities, further opportunities for defence cooperation with Partner countries, the development of NATO's Theatre Missile Defence programme as part of its extended air defence concept and Alliance Ground Surveillance.
5-16 Nov . 2001
Cooperative Determination 2001

Personnel from nine NATO and eleven Partner countries are training in a crisis response operation exercise called Cooperative Determination 2001, from 5-16 November. This exercise, which is part of a long-standing programme of exercises, is taking place in Baku, Azerbaijan.

7 Nov . 2001
Lord Robertson in Skopje and Pristina
With the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (1) yet to implement constitutional reform and Kosovo preparing for elections on 17 November, NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, travelled respectively to Skopje and Pristina to meet with government officials.
8-9 Nov . 2001
"Europe, the United States and the Mediterranean after 11 September"

In a conference organised by the Instituto de Estudos Estrategicos e Internacionais, Portugal, high-level speakers participated in discussions on the impact of the 11 September attacks on the identity, values and security of Europe, the United States and the Mediterranean.

9-10 Nov . 2001
Conference on "Ukraine's European choice"

Ukrainian officials, representatives from international organisations and research institutes and former government officials from Italy and Poland gathered in Kyiv, 9-10 November for a conference on "Ukraine's European choice: internal transformations and search for a new foreign policy role."

  1. Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.