NATO helps fight corruption in defence establishments
On 30 April, NATO and Switzerland launched the publication "Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defence: A Compendium of Best Practices" at NATO Headquarters in Brussels.
The book, which focuses on concepts and tools that can ensure good practices in defence management and policy through ‘integrity building’, marks the end of the first phase of the Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption Risks in Defence Establishments initiative.
Transparency and corruption challenges in the defence sphere can affect transition states as well as established democracies. Designed primarily as an introduction and reference tool for defence personnel, the compendium will also interest civilians in the defence sphere, democratic institutions and civil society. It offers conceptual and practical advice, together with case studies, using materials on integrity building and anti-corruption measures relevant to the full range of security governance activities.
Ambassador Dirk Brengelmann, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy, and Ambassador Jean-Jacques de Dardel, Head of the Mission of Switzerland to NATO, presented the publication.
Ambassador Brengelman introduced the publication as “an appropriate culmination of the first phase of the EAPC Building Integrity Initiative” and “only the end of the beginning”.
He explained that phase two would begin in the coming weeks, focusing on consolidating efforts so far, as well as promoting integrity-building in the development of national capacities through education and training.
The compendium was produced by the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces in cooperation with NATO, Transparency International UK and other experts.
The Building Integrity initiative began in April 2008, implemented through the first trust fund to be linked to NATO’s Partnership Action Plan on Defence Institution Building.