Be part of NATO’s 70th Anniversary
On 4th April 2019, NATO will mark the 70th anniversary of the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty. This same year, many Allies will mark the 10th, 15th and 20th anniversaries of their joining the Alliance. This will be an occasion to reflect upon seven decades of transatlantic cooperation and on NATO’s role in safeguarding the freedom of its citizens. It will present an opportunity to also look to the future as the Alliance adapts to our rapidly changing world.
To help communities from NATO member and partner countries commemorate these milestones, the Public Diplomacy Division is launching a unique NATO@70 call for project proposals, with the aim of providing discretionary financial support to community and civil society non-profit organizations for developing and implementing tailor-made communications activities.
The NATO@70 targeted communications project aims to recognize the diverse contributions and experiences of communities from NATO members as well as partner countries. We want to know: what does NATO mean to you? Project proposals must seek to increase understanding of the history, role and purpose of NATO.

While NATO seeks to engage with all segments of the public, extra consideration will be given to proposals which aim to reach key audiences, such as young people and women.
Project proposals could consider, for example:
- Community events, such as music, sports or cultural diplomacy projects, exhibitions;
- Digital media projects, including documentaries, interviews, educational tools;
- Policy roundtable discussions, academic seminars, and conferences.
Projects in support of NATO@70 must take place between February and December 2019. Interested partners can access further details and instructions in the Application Guidelines link found on the right side of this page.

For this call for proposals, financial support up to EUR 30 000 will be considered. Decisions on support for projects and the level of financial assistance offered are at the discretion of NATO authorities.
Applications are welcome from NGOs, universities, think tanks, community groups, and other pertinent civil society organizations from NATO member nations as well as from NATO partner countries.
The deadline for submitting project proposals in support of the NATO@70 communications activities is November 16th 2018. A response to applications will be provided within 6 weeks of the closure of the call for proposals.