Qatar Armed Forces Representatives visiting the NATO C3 Agency

  • 27 Jul. 2011 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 03 Aug. 2011 17:58

On 27 July 2011, the General Manager of the NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency, Georges D’hollander, hosted a delegation from the Qatar Armed Forces to introduce the customised Document Handling System (DHS). The event was held at the NC3A premises in Brussels under the auspices of the NATO Political Affairs and Security Policy Division (PASP).

DHS is a core application within NATO installed already in 23 different Commands and in theatre (Kabul and Kandahar). Thanks to its functionality and flexibility, DHS is a highly appreciated application, even outside the NATO environment.

The Qatar Armed Forces were represented by Brigadier General Engineer Dr Rashid Ali Al Saadi, Director of Information System for the Armed Forces, and Colonel Mohammed Jassem Al Jaber, Head of Operating Systems and Network at the Directorate of Information Systems.

The General Manager of NC3A was assisted by the Director Sponsor Account NATO & Nations Dr Velizar Shalamanov, Legal Advisor Mrs Simona Rocchi, and the expert in the DHS project, Mr Yves Moons. Ms. Stéphanie Siklossy, Political Officer in the Mediterranean Dialogue and Istanbul Cooperation Initiative Countries Section, represented the NATO Political Affairs and Security Policy Division.

After the Agency overview by Mr D’hollander, Dr Shalamanov briefed the delegation on our working experience with partner nations, and Mr Moons gave a presentation on DHS, specifically requested by the Qatar Armed Forces.

The following discussion was very productive, leaving an open door to a potential future cooperation with Qatar under the approval of NAC. Further steps will be taken to enhance cooperation in this field, within the overall framework of NATO-Qatar relations. Qatar, which is a member of NATO's Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) launched in 2004, is also contributing actively to the NATO-led Operation Unified Protector in Libya.