NATO Annual Review on Gender in Military: progress made in policies, participation and operational planning

  • 13 Jan. 2017 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 13 Jan. 2017 11:42

The 2015 Summary of the National Reports of NATO Member and Partner nations to the NATO Committee on Gender Perspectives (NCGP) have been issued as the second comprehensive compendium of the statistics and policies progress related to the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.

The 2015 Summary indicates that representation of women in armed forces has increased to 10.8%, reaching the highest representation since 1999, and as well as highlighting the increase of women representation in NATO operations (6.4%).

The summary of national reports also underlines the significant increase in equal opportunities domain. In 2015, 84.6% of NATO nations have all positions open to women in the armed forces which is 14% more than the previous year. More than 65% of NATO member nations have the same enlistment requirements for men and women which is 10% increase compare to 2014. NATO Member and Partner nations also reported overall growth of work-life balance initiatives to support service members to maintain their military duties and family life.

In addition, progress has been made regarding the implementation of the gender perspectives in operations. More than 92% of NATO Member nations include gender in the pre-deployment training and exercises and 73.1% nations include it in their operational planning.

By publishing the annual report, NATO aims to present its progress in the implementation of the UNSCR 1325, related resolution principles and the gender perspective.