Updated: 06-Nov-2001 1965

[ '45-'49 | '50-'59 | '60-'69 | '70-'79 | '80-'89 | '90-'99 | '00- ]
[ 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 ]


6 Apr

The worlds first commercial satellite Early Bird is launched by the United States. Successfully tested as first global communications system for telephone, TV and telegraphic communications.

7 Apr

Soviet and East German authorities block land access to Berlin at intervals for one week when the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany holds its plenary session in West Berlins Congress Hall.

23 Apr

Soviet Union launches its first communications satellite.

31 May-1 June

Meeting of NATO Defence Ministers in Paris pays special attention to the defence problems of Greece and Turkey, and agrees to consider a proposal for improving consultation and extending participation in the planning of nuclear forces.

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9 Sept

At a press conference President de Gaulle announces that French military integration within NATO would end by 1969.

20 Oct

The North Atlantic Council approves the revised missions of the Major NATO Commanders and the Canada-US Regional Planning Group.

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14-16 Dec

The North Atlantic Council meeting in Ministerial session in Paris accepts new procedures designed to improve the annual process of reviewing the defence efforts of member countries and agreeing upon their force contributions.

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