1962 sees
the development of a crisis which, while outside NATO territory,
could have had a profound effect on the Alliance, indeed on the
world as a whole. The Soviet Union had begun preparations to install
nuclear missiles in Cuba which could be targeted on the United States.
The US responds by a naval blockade of the island. As the Soviet
ships carrying the missiles near the US vessels, the order is given
by the Soviet leadership for them to turn round. The possibility
for a nuclear war is narrowly averted.
The Alliance Convention of citizens of NATO countries meets and
endorses the Declaration of Paris in favour of strengthening the
Alliance and the Atlantic Community.
The Evian agreements establish an independent Algeria.
Establishment of the European Organisation for the Development
and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers (ELDO). Member countries:
Australia, Belgium, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy,
the Netherlands and United Kingdom.
Macmillan and Kennedy appeal to Khrushchev for agreement on a test
ban treaty.
Foreign Ministers and Defence Ministers of the North Atlantic Alliance
review the circumstances in which the Alliance might be compelled
to have recourse to nuclear weapons (Athens Guidelines).
Establishment of the European Space Research Organisation (ESRO).
Member countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Federal Republic of
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and
United Kingdom. (ELDO and ESRO merged to become the European Space
Agency (ESA) on 31 May 1975.)
Partial blockade of Cuba by the US following revelation of Soviet
construction of missile bases on the island; lifted following Soviet
agreement to dismantle the bases.
President Kennedy and Prime Minister Macmillan confer at Nassau,
Bahamas. They agree to contribute part of their strategic nuclear
forces to NATO.