40 years of NATO’s military headquarters in Belgium

The 40th anniversary of NATO’s military headquarters in Belgium was celebrated at NATO’ top operations command, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Mons, on 30 March.


Internet helps to improve civil-military cooperation in crisis areas

NATO’s Alliance Command Transformation held a seminar in Norfolk, United States, on 30 March to test a new Web-based tool for sharing information between NATO forces and international organizations, NGOs and private donors active in an area of operations.


NATO’s operations commander visits Iraq training mission

NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General John Craddock, was briefed on the successes of NATO’s training mission in Iraq and its future challenges during a visit to Iraq, 29 March.


KFOR Web site revamped

The Web site for the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo (KFOR), www.nato.int/kfor now has a new look and feel to make for easier navigation and provide a clearer overview of content.


High-level NATO consultations on Afghanistan and Kosovo

At a special meeting at NATO HQ, 27 March, NATO countries expressed optimism about the situation in Afghanistan and full support for the proposals for Kosovo’s future made by UN Special Envoy Ahtisaari.


NATO chief welcomes Latvia-Russia border agreement

The NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, warmly welcomed the signing of an important border agreement between the Republic of Latvia and the Russian Federation.


New counter-terrorist technology to be tested in Germany

Germany is to host a technology demonstration for Defence Against Mortar Attacks (DAMA), at its firing range in Todendorf, 27-28 March.


Roundtable on Ukraine parliament's role in national security and defence

Senior-level representatives and experts from Ukraine and NATO countries gathered in the conference hall of the Ukrainian parliament, on 26 March 2007, for roundtable discussions on parliament's role in national security and defence.


NATO and European Union hold consultations

NATO’s North Atlantic Council and the Political and Security Committee of the European Union met to discuss issues of common interest on 26 March.


Ukrainian support for Operation Active Endeavour

Final preparations are underway for the deployment of the first Ukrainian ship to the Mediterranean in support of Operation Active Endeavour, NATO's maritime counter-terrorist operation. The URS Ternopil, a corvette, is expected to be deployed in May


New Ukrainian Foreign Minister visits NATO

The new Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, visited NATO HQ on 26 March to meet for talks with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.


Visit to NATO by the Minister of Defence of Albania, Fatmir Mediu

The Minister of Defence of Albania, Fatmir Mediu visited NATO headquarters on Friday 23 March and met with NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer


Kazakh and UK scientists awarded prestigious NATO Science Prize

The NATO Science Partnership Prize for 2007 has been awarded to two scientists from Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom for excellent collaboration in a NATO-sponsored Science for Peace project.


Signature of agreement on facilitation of vital civil cross border transport

Mile Janakievski, Minister of Transport and Communications of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1 visted NATO Headquarters on 22 March 2007.


Forces from NATO mission rescue flood victims in Afghanistan

Forces from the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) rescued some 600 villagers trapped by flooding in southern Afghanistan.


NRC experts attend French nuclear weapons accident response exercise

NATO and Russian experts observed a French nuclear weapon accident response capabilities demonstration exercise, DENUX 07, on 20 and 21 March 2007.


Good progress in NATO-Russia counter-narcotics training initiative

The NATO-Russia Council (NRC) Pilot Project for Counter-Narcotics Training of Afghan and Central Asian Personnel is set to make further progress in 2007, building on a good start last year.


French government strengthens support for NATO's Afghanistan mission

Last week, three French Rafale jet fighters joined the aerial support for the NATO-led ISAF mission in Afghanistan.


NATO-led forces extend presence in southern Afghanistan

As part of Operation Achilles, NATO's largest ground operation in Afghanistan, Alliance-led forces are expanding their presence in Helmand province, southern Afghanistan.


NATO Secretary General visits Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer visited Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina on 16 March. This was his first visit to these two countries since they joined the Partnership for Peace Programme in December of last year.


The Secretary General of the OECD visits NATO

The Secretary General of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Angel Gurría, visited NATO on Thursday 15 March. He met with NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.


NATO-Ukraine expert consultations on counter-terrorism

Consultations on counter-terrorism took place between NATO and Ukraine at the level of experts in Kyiv on 13 and 14 March.


NATO information centre in Yerevan officially opened

The NATO information centre was officially opened on the 12 March 2007 in Yerevan, Armenia.


Inauguration of NATO-Ukraine Partnership Network

The official inauguration of the NATO-Ukraine Partnership Network for Civil Society Expertise Development took place in Kyiv on 12 March.


Visit of senior Afghan Parliamentary delegation to NATO

On 12 March 2007, a senior Afghan delegation, led by Mr. Younus Qanooni, Speaker of the Afghan Parliament, visited NATO Headquarters in Brussels.


Further contributions to NATO's Afghanistan mission

Several NATO countries are increasing their contributions to the Alliance-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.


NATO officer receives Ukrainian honour

An officer from NATO’s Transformation Command has became the first non-Ukrainian military officer to receive a medal from the country’s Ministry of Defence, for his work in helping Ukraine’s military become better aligned with NATO initiatives.


Major operation progresses in southern Afghanistan

NATO-led and Afghan forces are making progress with Operation Achilles, the largest ground operation to date in southern Afghanistan, launched on 6 March at the request of the Afghan authorities.


NATO Secretary General visits Belgrade

NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer met with Serbian President Boris Tadic, Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica, as well as the Foreign and Defence Ministers during a visit to Belgrade, 8 March.


NATO and Japan finalize framework for cooperation in Afghanistan

NATO’s Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs, Martin Erdmann, finalized on 8 March in Tokyo with the Japanese authorities a framework for NATO-Japan cooperation in Afghanistan.


ISAF and Afghan Forces launch major operation in the South

At the request of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force and Afghan National Security Forces launched Operation Achilles early on 6 March.


Egyptian Foreign Minister visits NATO HQ

Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, met with the Secretary General of NATO, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, on 5 March at NATO Headquarters.


Czech Prime Minister discusses operations and missile defence at NATO

During a visit to NATO HQ, 5 March, the new Czech Prime Minister, Mirek Topolanek, said his country will send additional forces to Afghanistan.


African Union looks to long-term cooperation

The African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security, Ambassador Said Djinnit, visited NATO HQ on 2 March, the second high-level visit by an African Union official to NATO.


Visit to NATO by the Hungarian Minister of Defence, Imre Szekeres

The Defence Minister of Hungary, Mr. Imre Szekeres visited NATO Headquarters on Thursday 1st March 2007 and met with the Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer.

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  1. Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.