
EAPC Security Forum

Ohrid, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1
28-29 June 2007


Ohrid forum discusses Balkans, Afghanistan and energy security

Defence ministers meeting

Ministers and senior officials from NATO and Partner countries are discussing Kosovo and the future of the Balkans, challenges in Afghanistan and issues related to energy security during a meeting in Ohrid, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1, on 28 and 29 June.


Thursday 28 June 2007 document audio photo video
  General views of the venue     photo  
16.45 Bilateral meeting with the NATO Secretary General and the Prime Minister of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1     photo WMV
19:15 Welcome by the President of the Host Nation     photo  
20:00 Working dinner hosted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1     photo  
  Opening statement by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer document MP3
Opening statement by Antonio Milososki, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Host Nation document MP3

Friday 29 June 2007 document audio photo video
09:00 Opening plenary meeting of the EAPC Security Forum     photo  
  Introductory remarks by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer document MP3
Opening remarks by the Host Nation Prime Minister, Nikola Gruevski document MP3
Keynote speech by NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer document MP3
Opening remarks by the Host Nation Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Imer Aliu   MP3
Questions & answers document MP3
10:20 Official portrait     photo  
10:35 Bilateral meeting with the NATO Secretary General and the President of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1     photo WMV
10:30 Working groups        
  Panel 1 - Afghanistan: Winning the Conflict   MP3
Chairman: Deputy Secretary General, Ambassador Alessandro Minuto Rizzo      
Gen. Ahmad Yusuf Nuristani, first Deputy Defence Minister of Afghanistan      
Mr. Espen Barth Eide, State Secretary, Norwegian Ministry of Defence      
Lt. Gen. Karl Eikenberry, Deputy Chairman, Military Committee      
H.E. Mrs. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Foreign Minister of Croatia      
Panel 2 - Kosovo and the Future of the Balkans   MP3
Chairman: Ambassador Martin Erdmann, Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs & Security Policy, NATO      
H.E. Mr. Antonio Milošoski, Host Nation Foreign Minister      
H.E. Mrs. Kinga Göncz, Foreign Minister of Hungary      
H.E. Mr Ivailo Georgiev Kalfin, Deputy Prime Minister & Foreign Minister of Bulgaria      
Mr. Jolyon Naegele, Director of the Office of Political Affairs, UNMIK      
Panel 3 - Energy Security: Strategic Relationships and Dependable Supplies   MP3
Chairman: NATO Director of Policy Planning, Mr. Jamie Shea      
H.E. Mr. Elmar Mammedyarov, Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan      
H.E. Mr. Karel Schwarzenberg, Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic      
H.E. Mr. Talaibek Kydyrov, Foreign Affairs State Secretary, Kyrgyz Republic      
Mr. Matt Bryza, Deputy Assistant Secretary, US Department of State      
11:45 Secretary General's Press conference document MP3
12:30 Briefing on the discussions held in the Working Groups by the Secretary General and rapporteurs from each discussion group     photo  
14:30 Working groups        
  Panel 1 - Afghanistan: Winning the Peace   MP3
Chairman: Ambassador Maurits Jochems, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General    
Mr. Hekmat Karzai, Director, Centre for Conflict and Peace Studies, Kabul    
Mrs. Christina Lamb, Author and Journalist with the Sunday Times, UK    
Mr. Alastair McKechnie, World Bank Country Director for Afghanistan    
Panel 2 - Prospects for the Euro-Atlantic Integration of the Balkans   MP3
Chairman: Ambassador Martin Erdmann, Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs & Security Policy, NATO    
H.E. Mr. Adrian Cioroianu, Foreign Minister of Romania    
H.E. Mr. Luylzim Basha, Foreign Minister of Albania    
H.E. Dr. Wolfgang Petritsch, Austrian Ambassador to the United Nations, WTO and the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva    
Mr. Gerald Knaus, President of the European Stability Initiative    
Panel 3 - What role for NATO and other International Organizations?   MP3
  Chairman: Dr. Patrick Hardouin, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General    
  H.E. Mr. Grzegorz Wozniak, Economics Minister of Poland    
  Dr. Edward C. Chow, Senior Energy Fellow, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC    
  Ms. Dagmar Graczyk, Office of Global Energy Dialogue, International Energy Agency    
16:30 Closing plenary meeting of the EAPC Security Forum document MP3

For the media
NATO Press Release (2007)076 - 28 June 2007
NATO Secretary General to attend the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council Security Forum in Ohrid, in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1, 28 – 29 June 2007
OTAN Communiqué de presse (2007)076 - 28 juin 2007
Participation du Secrétaire général de l’OTAN au forum du CPEA sur la sécurité qui se tiendra à Ohrid, dans l'ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine1, 28 – 29 June 2007
NATO Press Release (2007)054 - 22 May 2007
Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council Security Forum, Ohrid, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia1, 28 – 29 June 2007
OTAN Communiqué de presse (2007)054 - 22 mai 2007
Forum du Conseil de partenariat euro atlantique (CPEA) sur la sécurité qui se tiendra à Ohrid (ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine1) 28 – 29 June 2007

  1. Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.